* Balaji T K <balaj...@ti.com> [130607 06:42]:
> On Tuesday 04 June 2013 08:16 PM, Tony Lindgren wrote:
> >* Hebbar Gururaja <gururaja.heb...@ti.com> [130531 03:19]:
> >>Amend the hsmmc controller to optionally take a pin control handle and
> >>set the state of the pins to:
> >>
> >>- "default" on boot, resume and before performing a mmc transfer
> >>- "idle" after initial default, after resume default, and after each
> >>mmc/sd card access
> >>- "sleep" on suspend()
> >>
> >>By optionally putting the pins into sleep state in the suspend callback
> >>we can accomplish two things.
> >>- One is to minimize current leakage from pins and thus save power,
> >>- second, we can prevent the IP from driving pins output in an
> >>uncontrolled manner, which may happen if the power domain drops the
> >>domain regulator.
> >>
> >>If any of the above pin states are missing in dt, a warning message
> >>about the missing state is displayed.
> >>If certain pin-states are not available, to remove this warning message
> >>pass respective state name with null phandler.
> >
> >There's a similar patch in the "[RESEND PATCH v2 1/3] mmc: omap_hsmmc:
> >Enable SDIO IRQ using a GPIO in idle mode" thread. It also makes the
> >SDIO interrupts to work, so we need to consider that too.
> >
> Hi Tony,
> I will try to combine both of these and make use of
> pinctrl_pm_select_[*]_state helper functions.

OK thanks, I'll separate out the pinctrl parts from Andreas' patch
and repost.


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