> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: PARAMS_GET - Error:
> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel:   ErrorInfoSize = 0x01, BlockStatus = 0x08,
> BlockSize = 0x0002
> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: PARAMS_GET - Error:
> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel:   ErrorInfoSize = 0x01, BlockStatus = 0x08,
> BlockSize = 0x0002

This is OK. I am asking the card for tables and it is telling me it doesnt
have them

> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: scsi0 : i2o/iop0

Ok it found a scsi mode IOP

> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: sda : sense not available.

That might be my bug

> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: i2o_scsi: bus reset reply.
> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: sdb : READ CAPACITY failed.

And it struggles for some reason to get going. 

> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: Claim Claimed Mount Lock Ready.
> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: Flushing...Unlocking...Unlocked.
> May 14 16:29:12 lala kernel: Unclaim


> Then When I tried to fdisk /dev/sda (/dev/sda is a RAID1 of two
> Quantum disks) syslog shows this:

is /dev/sda the raid or the disks raw ?

> And issuing a fdisk:

Ok the geometry is different

> So, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what, but I haven't been
> able to get it working on 2.4.4 yet... please help.

Ok I need to put mroe disks and newer firmware on my card when I have some

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