I have an unusual problem with compiling iproute2 on 2.4.5-pre1, this
problem didn't occur on my previous kernel - 2.4.2-ac3..
root@tower:~/progs/server/iproute2# uname -a
Linux tower 2.4.5-pre1-xfs #5 Sat May 12 12:55:39 CEST 2001 i686 unknown
root@tower:~/progs/server/iproute2# make
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/progs/server/iproute2/lib'
gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -g -I../include-glibc
-include ../include-glibc/glibc-bugs.h -I/usr/src/linux/include
-I../include -DRESOLVE_HOSTNAMES   -c -o ll_proto.o ll_proto.c
ll_proto.c:36: `ETH_P_ECHO' undeclared here (not in a function)
ll_proto.c:36: initializer element is not constant
ll_proto.c:36: (near initialization for `llproto_names[1].id')
make[1]: *** [ll_proto.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/progs/server/iproute2/lib'
make: *** [all] Error 2
root@tower:~/progs/server/iproute2# grep "ETH_P_ECHO"
somebody@somewhere:somewhere$ grep "ETH_P_ECHO"
#define ETH_P_ECHO      0x0200          /* Ethernet Echo packet */
<-- or sth like this..(not me was executing it..)
root@tower:~/progs/server/iproute2# grep "0x0200"
#define ETH_P_PUP       0x0200          /* Xerox PUP packet             */

Maybe I have mailed to much output..I'm lame:)

I tried the compilation of 2 version of iproute2: current, and
2.2.4-now-ss001007. The error is the same..Why is it so? Do I do sth bad?
Or maybe there is a bug in the kernel..

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