On Sat, 12 May 2001, Alexander Viro wrote:
>On Sun, 13 May 2001, Alan Cox wrote:
>> > > root@kama3:/home/szabi# cat /proc/mounts
>> > > /dev/hdb2 /usr ext2 rw 0 0
>> > > root@kama3:/home/szabi# swapon /dev/hdb2
>> > 
>> > - Doctor, it hurts when I do it!
>> > - Don't do it, then.
>> > 
>> > Just what behaviour had you expected?
>> EBUSY would be somewhat nicer.
>Probably. Try to convince Linus that we need such exclusion. All stuff
>needed to implement it is already there - see blkdev_open() for details.
>OTOH, as long as kernel itself survives that... In this case I can see
>the point in "give them enough rope" approach.

It doesn't matter .... The device is not a swap partition - from the
original message:
> root@kama3:/home/szabi# swapon /dev/hdb2
> set_blocksize: b_count 1, dev ide0(3,66), block 2, from c0126b48
> set_blocksize: b_count 1, dev ide0(3,66), block 3, from c0126b48
> set_blocksize: b_count 1, dev ide0(3,66), block 4, from c0126b48
> set_blocksize: b_count 1, dev ide0(3,66), block 5, from c0126b48
> set_blocksize: b_count 1, dev ide0(3,66), block 6, from c0126b48
> set_blocksize: b_count 1, dev ide0(3,66), block 7, from c0126b48
> set_blocksize: b_count 1, dev ide0(3,66), block 8, from c0126b48
> set_blocksize: b_count 1, dev ide0(3,66), block 1, from c0126b48
> Unable to find swap-space signature
> swapon: /dev/hdb2: Invalid argument

The error message is quite clear (the set blocksize isn't, but that
is during the identification and isn't an error, but appears to be
a status..).

If you are going to swap on a mounted file system, then you have to
specify a swap file, formatted for swap.

The message that was output says exactly what is needed for protecting
against configuration errors.

Jesse I Pollard, II

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