On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 11:35:32PM -0700, Eric Olson wrote:
> I am having trouble with the 2.4.4 kernel using MSI 694D Pro AR dual
> PIII processor motherboard with onboard Promise ATA100.
> I have four nearly identically configured motherboards, two of which
> have the Promise ATA100 and two which do not.  There are no disks
> hooked to the Promise controller and I am not using it.  However, the
> motherboards with the Promise controller panic soon after the Promise
> detection lines
> PDC20265: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 60
> PDC20265: chipset revision 2
> PDC20265: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later

The same happens on an MSI 6330 v3.0 (Turbo). I also tried 2.4.4-ac5 which
does not show this behaviour. The ac series have some patches related to
FastTrack/PDC20265, try it out.

BTW, do your MSI boards have a VIA chipset? If yes, do you get any IRQ
conflicts in your dmesg output?

Regards, Axel.
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