We are waiting for a server with dual PIII, RAID 1,0 and 5 18Gb scsi disks to
come so we can change our proxy server, that will run on Linux with Squid.
One disk will go inside (I think?) and the other 4 on a tower conected to the
RAID, which will be have the cache of the squid server.
One of my partners thinks that we should use reiserfs on all the server (the
partitions of the Linux distro, and the cache partitions), and I found out
that reiserfs has had lots of bugs, and is marked as experimental in kernel
2.4.4. Not to mention that the people of RH discourage there users from using
There has also been lots of talks about reiserfs being the cause of some data
lose and performance lose (not sure about this last one).
So what I want is to know which is the status of this 3 journaling FS. Which
is the one we should look for?
I think that the data lose is not significant in a proxy cache, if the FS is
really fast, as is said reiserfs is.
Saludos... :-)
El mejor sistema operativo es aquel que te da de comer.
Cuida tu dieta.
Martin Marques | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador | Centro de Telematica
Universidad Nacional
del Litoral
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