On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 05:06:52AM +0100, Chen Gang wrote:
> On 05/20/2013 05:56 PM, Will Deacon wrote:
> > Should be ok once the arch timer driver has moved exclusively to virtual
> > time. I'm also not sure we even need to implement read_current_timer() --
> > it's only used for delay-loop calibration, which we don't need for the
> > arch timer.
> > 
> For whether we need implement read_current_timer():
>   many platforms have implemented it (openrisc, arm, sparc, hexagon, avr32, 
> x86).
>   it is called by init/calibrate.c when 'ARCH_HAS_READ_CURRENT_TIMER' is 
> defined.
>   since arm64 can implement it, better to provide it as an architect features 
> to let outside use.

No, that code is not needed on arm64 because we calibrate the delay loop
statically using a known timer frequency.

> For the implementation of read_current_timer():
>   it has to face various configurations
>     (e.g. CONFIG_ARM_ARCH_TIMER, arch_timer_read_zero, 
> arch_counter_get_cntvct, arch_counter_get_cntpct)
>   so better still use variable instead of.
>     (excuse me, I do not know what is 'CNTVCT_EL0', is it like a constant 
> number ?)

cntvct_el0 is a system register, which provides the virtual counter value.

> For the implementation of get_cycles()
>   if read_current_timer() is provided,
>   better to let get_cycles() to call it, instead of implement once again.

You can implement it as a macro if you like, I'm just suggesting that we
might not need read_current_timer after all.

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