>>>>> "slurn" == slurn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Keith Owens wrote:
>> >
>> > This is part of my kdb wishlist, does anybody fancy writing the code to
>> > add any of these features? It would be a nice project for anybody
>> > wanting to start on the kernel. Replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] please.
>> > Current patches at http://oss.sgi.com/projects/kdb/download/
>> >
>> > * Change kdb invocation key from ^A to ^X^X^X within 3 seconds. ^A is
>> > used by emacs, bash, minicom etc.
>> >
>> ^X^X swaps point and mark in emacs. One (well, I) often will do
>> ^X^X^X^X to examine where mark is and then return to point.
slurn> How about using the break condition instead. This is only for the
slurn> serial port, and most terminal emulators (e.g. kermit, minicom) provide
slurn> a means to generate a break condition on the serial port.
kdb uses BREAK in the serial port (that minicom uses C-a for sending a
break is an anecdote :) But the problem at hang is the console. I
vote for the ^X^X^X as I a think that it is not a difficult shortcut.
(and yes, I also use emacs and ^X^X all the time, but I think that
this combination is not specially bad, and I suppose that the pet
aplication of other people will have problems with something like:
^A^A^A that I never use).
Later, Juan.
In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they
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