Hello Christopher,

On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 04:48:26PM +0100, Christopher Covington wrote:
> On 05/07/2013 05:08 AM, Will Deacon wrote:
> > That seems like a lot of effort in order to preserve something that isn't
> > even meaningful. We might be better just zeroing the value, but then we'll
> > inevitably get bug reports of it being `wrong'.
> If I were in to filing bug reports about bogomips values, I would be just as
> likely to do it for 1, 10000, 99999, and get_random_bytes(...) as for 0.

That's a fair point, and one of the reasons I posted this as an RFC. I'd
basically like an `obviously bogus' value so that people don't think `hey,
my CPU sure it slow' and instead think `looks like this really is a bogus
value after all'.

However, you're probably right that there isn't a number which can convey
that information properly, so how about we just put a string in there along
the lines of "not reported" and leave it at that?

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