On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 02:03:35PM -0700, Adam Radford wrote:
> Larry,
> If there's anything to fix in the driver for this problem I'd be interested,
> however I have not seen this problem before.
> What benchmark (and options) are you running? bonnie++ ?
> BTW... I am the author of the Linux driver.

First let me say I really like this card.  It's definitely the right
idea and when it works it screams.  I used to work on really large I/O
systems at SGI so I have a fair amount of experience in this area (the
last system I worked on images the entire earth down to about 32 point
fonts, pretty wacky, our tax dollars at work).

Anyway, the benchmark I use is a program called lmdd, it's part of
lmbench but I've pulled all the files together into one and included
it below.  It's really a handy tool, lots of different file system and
disk drive people use it.  For years, I've known I need to wrap a shell
script around it so that we could toss stuff like bonnie and iozone.

The typical ways I run it 

        # allocate and touch a buffer to flush memory
        lmdd opat=1 bs=512m count=1

        # write a file, watching for variation in write times
        lmdd of=XXX bs=100m wt=1 move=2g

        # read a file, watching for variation in read times
        lmdd if=XXX bs=100m rt=1 move=2g

lmdd is a lot like dd(1) but has the following key differences

        a) the default if is an interal form of if=/dev/zero, it
           doesn't bother with the read from /dev/zero.
        b) the default of is an interal form of of=/dev/null, it
           doesn't bother with the write to /dev/null.
        c) default blocksize is 8KB

On top of that, it has a number of options not found in dd

        fork=1          fork to do write I/O
        fsync=1         fsync output before exit
        ipat=1          check input for a pattern (see opat)
        mismatch=1      use with ipat, stop at first mismatch
        move=<amt>      move <amt> bytes; takes k, m, and g suffices
                        k/m/g are powers of ten, not 2, the disk people
                        want powers of ten.  Yeah, it sucks.
        opat=1          put a pattern in the output stream
        rand=<sz>       do randoms over this size
        print=<p>       different output formats, you want print=1 with rand
        rt=1            time and report results for each read
        wt=1            time and report results for each write
        srand=seed      seed the random number generator, used with rand.

There are others, read the source for them, those are the useful ones.

Another tidbit of data on the 3ware card issues - it is definitely associated
with that card or the drives on that card; if I do the same tests on a file
system which is not going through the 3ware card, I get repeatable 27MB/sec
performance.  Yes, I did try it after the 3ware card was wedged, the 
non 3ware performance is still good.

Adam, if you want to ssh in and play with the machine directly, call me
at 415-401-8808 x101 and I'll set you up immediately.



 * $Id$
#ifndef _BENCH_H
#define _BENCH_H

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
typedef unsigned char bool_t;

#include        <assert.h>
#include        <ctype.h>
#include        <stdio.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include        <unistd.h>
#include        <stdlib.h>
#include        <fcntl.h>
#include        <signal.h>
#include        <errno.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include        <strings.h>
#include        <sys/types.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include        <sys/mman.h>
#include        <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include        <sys/wait.h>
#include        <time.h>
#include        <sys/time.h>
#include        <sys/socket.h>
#include        <sys/un.h>
#include        <sys/resource.h>
#define PORTMAP
#include        <rpc/rpc.h>

typedef unsigned int u32;

#ifdef HAVE_u64_t
typedef u64_t u64;
typedef unsigned long long u64;

#define NO_PORTMAPPER   /* needs to be up here, lib_*.h look at it */
#include        "stats.h"
#include        "timing.h"

#ifdef  DEBUG
#       define          debug(x) fprintf x
#       define          debug(x)
#define TCP_SELECT      -31233
#define TCP_XACT        -31234
#define TCP_CONTROL     -31235
#define TCP_DATA        -31236
#define TCP_CONNECT     -31237
#define UDP_XACT        -31238
#define UDP_DATA        -31239
#define TCP_SELECT      (u_long)404038  /* XXX - unregistered */
#define TCP_XACT        (u_long)404039  /* XXX - unregistered */
#define TCP_CONTROL     (u_long)404040  /* XXX - unregistered */
#define TCP_DATA        (u_long)404041  /* XXX - unregistered */
#define TCP_CONNECT     (u_long)404042  /* XXX - unregistered */
#define UDP_XACT        (u_long)404032  /* XXX - unregistered */
#define UDP_DATA        (u_long)404033  /* XXX - unregistered */
#define VERS            (u_long)1

#define UNIX_CONTROL    "/tmp/lmbench.ctl"
#define UNIX_DATA       "/tmp/lmbench.data"
#define UNIX_LAT        "/tmp/lmbench.lat"

 * socket send/recv buffer optimizations
#define SOCKOPT_READ    0x0001
#define SOCKOPT_WRITE   0x0002
#define SOCKOPT_RDWR    0x0003
#define SOCKOPT_PID     0x0004
#define SOCKOPT_REUSE   0x0008
#define SOCKOPT_NONE    0

#ifndef SOCKBUF
#define SOCKBUF         (1024*1024)

#ifndef XFERSIZE
#define XFERSIZE        (64*1024)       /* all bandwidth I/O should use this */

#if defined(SYS5) || defined(WIN32)
#define bzero(b, len)   memset(b, 0, len)
#define bcopy(s, d, l)  memcpy(d, s, l)
#define rindex(s, c)    strrchr(s, c)
#define gettime         usecs_spent
#define streq           !strcmp
#define ulong           unsigned long

#ifdef WIN32
#include <process.h>
#define getpid _getpid

#define SMALLEST_LINE   32              /* smallest cache line size */

#define GO_AWAY signal(SIGALRM, exit); alarm(60 * 60);
#define REAL_SHORT         50000
#define SHORT            1000000
#define MEDIUM           2000000
#define LONGER           7500000        /* for networking data transfers */
#define ENOUGH          REAL_SHORT

#define TRIES           11

typedef struct {
        int     N;
        u64     u[TRIES];
        u64     n[TRIES];
} result_t;
void    insertinit(result_t *r);
void    insertsort(u64, u64, result_t *);
void    save_median();
void    save_minimum();
void    save_results(result_t *r);
void    get_results(result_t *r);

#define BENCHO(loop_body, overhead_body, enough) {                      \
        int             __i, __N;                                       \
        double          __oh;                                           \
        result_t        __overhead, __r;                                \
        insertinit(&__overhead); insertinit(&__r);                      \
        __N = (enough == 0 || get_enough(enough) <= 100000) ? TRIES : 1;\
        if (enough < LONGER) {loop_body;} /* warm the cache */          \
        for (__i = 0; __i < __N; ++__i) {                               \
                BENCH1(overhead_body, enough);                          \
                if (gettime() > 0)                                      \
                        insertsort(gettime(), get_n(), &__overhead);    \
                BENCH1(loop_body, enough);                              \
                if (gettime() > 0)                                      \
                        insertsort(gettime(), get_n(), &__r);           \
        }                                                               \
        for (__i = 0; __i < __r.N; ++__i) {                             \
                __oh = __overhead.u[__i] / (double)__overhead.n[__i];   \
                __r.u[__i] -= (u64)((double)__r.n[__i] * __oh); \
        }                                                               \
        save_results(&__r);                                             \

#define BENCH(loop_body, enough) {                                      \
        long            __i, __N;                                       \
        result_t        __r;                                            \
        insertinit(&__r);                                               \
        __N = (enough == 0 || get_enough(enough) <= 100000) ? TRIES : 1;\
        if (enough < LONGER) {loop_body;} /* warm the cache */          \
        for (__i = 0; __i < __N; ++__i) {                               \
                BENCH1(loop_body, enough);                              \
                if (gettime() > 0)                                      \
                        insertsort(gettime(), get_n(), &__r);           \
        }                                                               \
        save_results(&__r);                                             \

#define BENCH1(loop_body, enough) {                                     \
        double          __usecs;                                        \
        BENCH_INNER(loop_body, enough);                                 \
        __usecs = gettime();                                            \
        __usecs -= t_overhead() + get_n() * l_overhead();               \
        settime(__usecs >= 0. ? (u64)__usecs : 0.);                     \
#define BENCH_INNER(loop_body, enough) {                                \
        static u_long   __iterations = 1;                               \
        int             __enough = get_enough(enough);                  \
        u_long          __n;                                            \
        double          __result = 0.;                                  \
        while(__result < 0.95 * __enough) {                             \
                start(0);                                               \
                for (__n = __iterations; __n > 0; __n--) {              \
                        loop_body;                                      \
                }                                                       \
                __result = stop(0,0);                                   \
                if (__result < 0.99 * __enough                          \
                    || __result > 1.2 * __enough) {                     \
                        if (__result > 150.) {                          \
                                double  tmp = __iterations / __result;  \
                                tmp *= 1.1 * __enough;                  \
                                __iterations = (u_long)(tmp + 1);       \
                        } else {                                        \
                                if (__iterations > (u_long)1<<27) {     \
                                        __result = 0.;                  \
                                        break;                          \
                                }                                       \
                                __iterations <<= 3;                     \
                        }                                               \
                }                                                       \
        } /* while */                                                   \
        save_n((u64)__iterations); settime((u64)__result);      \

 * Generated from msg.x which is included here:

        program XACT_PROG {
            version XACT_VERS {
                RPC_XACT(char) = 1;
        } = 1;
        } = 3970;

 * Please do not edit this file.
 * It was generated using rpcgen.

#include <rpc/types.h>

#define XACT_PROG ((u_long)404040)
#define XACT_VERS ((u_long)1)
#define RPC_XACT ((u_long)1)
#define RPC_EXIT ((u_long)2)
extern char *rpc_xact_1();
extern char *client_rpc_xact_1();

#endif /* _BENCH_H */
#ifndef _STATS_H
#define _STATS_H

#include "bench.h"
#include "timing.h"

#define ABS(x)  ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))

int     int_compare(const void *a, const void *b);
int     u64_compare(const void *a, const void *b);
int     double_compare(const void *a, const void *b);

typedef int (*int_stat)(int *values, int size);
typedef u64 (*u64_stat)(u64 *values, int size);
typedef double (*double_stat)(double *values, int size);

int     int_median(int *values, int size);
u64     u64_median(u64 *values, int size);
double  double_median(double *values, int size);

int     int_mean(int *values, int size);
u64     u64_mean(u64 *values, int size);
double  double_mean(double *values, int size);

int     int_min(int *values, int size);
u64     u64_min(u64 *values, int size);
double  double_min(double *values, int size);

int     int_max(int *values, int size);
u64     u64_max(u64 *values, int size);
double  double_max(double *values, int size);

double  int_stderr(int *values, int size);
double  u64_stderr(u64 *values, int size);
double  double_stderr(double *values, int size);

double  int_bootstrap_stderr(int *values, int size, int_stat f);
double  u64_bootstrap_stderr(u64 *values, int size, u64_stat f);
double  double_bootstrap_stderr(double *values, int size, double_stat f);

void    regression(double *x, double *y, double *sig, int n,
                   double *a, double *b, double *sig_a, double *sig_b, 
                   double *chi2);

#endif /* _STATS_H */
 * $Id$
#ifndef _TIMING_H
#define _TIMING_H

char    *p64(u64 big);
char    *p64sz(u64 big);
double  Delta(void);
double  Now(void);
void    adjust(int usec);
void    bandwidth(u64 bytes, u64 times, int verbose);
int     bytes(char *s);
void    context(u64 xfers);
u64     delta(void);
int     get_enough(int);
u64     get_n(void);
void    kb(u64 bytes);
double  l_overhead(void);
char    last(char *s);
void    latency(u64 xfers, u64 size);
void    mb(u64 bytes);
void    micro(char *s, u64 n);
void    micromb(u64 mb, u64 n);
void    milli(char *s, u64 n);
void    morefds(void);
void    nano(char *s, u64 n);
u64     now(void);
void    ptime(u64 n);
void    rusage(void);
void    save_n(u64);
void    settime(u64 usecs);
void    start(struct timeval *tv);
u64     stop(struct timeval *begin, struct timeval *end);
u64     t_overhead(void);
double  timespent(void);
void    timing(FILE *out);
u64     tvdelta(struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
void    tvsub(struct timeval *tdiff, struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t0);
void    use_int(int result);
void    use_pointer(void *result);
u64     usecs_spent(void);
void    touch(char *buf, int size);

#if defined(hpux) || defined(__hpux)
int     getpagesize();

#endif /* _TIMING_H */
 * a timing utilities library
 * Requires 64bit integers to work.
 * %W% %@%
 * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Larry McVoy.
#define  _LIB /* bench.h needs this */
#include "bench.h"

#define nz(x)   ((x) == 0 ? 1 : (x))

 * I know you think these should be 2^10 and 2^20, but people are quoting
 * disk sizes in powers of 10, and bandwidths are all power of ten.
 * Deal with it.
#define MB      (1000*1000.0)
#define KB      (1000.0)

static struct timeval start_tv, stop_tv;
FILE            *ftiming;
volatile u64    use_result_dummy;       /* !static for optimizers. */
static  u64     iterations;
static  void    init_timing(void);

#if defined(hpux) || defined(__hpux)
#include <sys/mman.h>

#ifdef  RUSAGE
#include <sys/resource.h>
#define SECS(tv)        (tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0)
#define mine(f)         (int)(ru_stop.f - ru_start.f)

static struct rusage ru_start, ru_stop;

        double  sys, user, idle;
        double  per;

        sys = SECS(ru_stop.ru_stime) - SECS(ru_start.ru_stime);
        user = SECS(ru_stop.ru_utime) - SECS(ru_start.ru_utime);
        idle = timespent() - (sys + user);
        per = idle / timespent() * 100;
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        fprintf(ftiming, "real=%.2f sys=%.2f user=%.2f idle=%.2f stall=%.0f%% ",
            timespent(), sys, user, idle, per);
        fprintf(ftiming, "rd=%d wr=%d min=%d maj=%d ctx=%d\n",
            mine(ru_inblock), mine(ru_oublock),
            mine(ru_minflt), mine(ru_majflt),
            mine(ru_nvcsw) + mine(ru_nivcsw));

#endif  /* RUSAGE */
 * Redirect output someplace else.
timing(FILE *out)
        ftiming = out;

 * Start timing now.
start(struct timeval *tv)
        if (tv == NULL) {
                tv = &start_tv;
#ifdef  RUSAGE
        getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru_start);
        (void) gettimeofday(tv, (struct timezone *) 0);

 * Stop timing and return real time in microseconds.
stop(struct timeval *begin, struct timeval *end)
        if (end == NULL) {
                end = &stop_tv;
        (void) gettimeofday(end, (struct timezone *) 0);
#ifdef  RUSAGE
        getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru_stop);

        if (begin == NULL) {
                begin = &start_tv;
        return tvdelta(begin, end);

        struct timeval t;
        u64     m;

        (void) gettimeofday(&t, (struct timezone *) 0);
        m = t.tv_sec;
        m *= 1000000;
        m += t.tv_usec;
        return (m);

        struct timeval t;

        (void) gettimeofday(&t, (struct timezone *) 0);
        return (t.tv_sec * 1000000.0 + t.tv_usec);

        static struct timeval last;
        struct timeval t;
        struct timeval diff;
        u64     m;

        (void) gettimeofday(&t, (struct timezone *) 0);
        if (last.tv_usec) {
                tvsub(&diff, &t, &last);
                last = t;
                m = diff.tv_sec;
                m *= 1000000;
                m += diff.tv_usec;
                return (m);
        } else {
                last = t;
                return (0);

        struct timeval t;
        struct timeval diff;

        (void) gettimeofday(&t, (struct timezone *) 0);
        tvsub(&diff, &t, &start_tv);
        return (diff.tv_sec + diff.tv_usec / 1000000.0);

save_n(u64 n)
        iterations = n;

        return (iterations);

 * Make the time spend be usecs.
settime(u64 usecs)
        bzero((void*)&start_tv, sizeof(start_tv));
        stop_tv.tv_sec = usecs / 1000000;
        stop_tv.tv_usec = usecs % 1000000;

bandwidth(u64 bytes, u64 times, int verbose)
        struct timeval tdiff;
        double  mb, secs;

        tvsub(&tdiff, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        secs = tdiff.tv_sec;
        secs *= 1000000;
        secs += tdiff.tv_usec;
        secs /= 1000000;
        secs /= times;
        mb = bytes / MB;
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        if (verbose) {
                (void) fprintf(ftiming,
                    "%.4f MB in %.4f secs, %.4f MB/sec\n",
                    mb, secs, mb/secs);
        } else {
                if (mb < 1) {
                        (void) fprintf(ftiming, "%.6f ", mb);
                } else {
                        (void) fprintf(ftiming, "%.2f ", mb);
                if (mb / secs < 1) {
                        (void) fprintf(ftiming, "%.6f\n", mb/secs);
                } else {
                        (void) fprintf(ftiming, "%.2f\n", mb/secs);

kb(u64 bytes)
        struct timeval td;
        double  s, bs;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        s = td.tv_sec + td.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
        bs = bytes / nz(s);
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        (void) fprintf(ftiming, "%.0f KB/sec\n", bs / KB);

mb(u64 bytes)
        struct timeval td;
        double  s, bs;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        s = td.tv_sec + td.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
        bs = bytes / nz(s);
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        (void) fprintf(ftiming, "%.2f MB/sec\n", bs / MB);

latency(u64 xfers, u64 size)
        struct timeval td;
        double  s;

        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        s = td.tv_sec + td.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
        if (xfers > 1) {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%d %dKB xfers in %.2f secs, ",
                    (int) xfers, (int) (size / KB), s);
        } else {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%.1fKB in ", size / KB);
        if ((s * 1000 / xfers) > 100) {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%.0f millisec%s, ",
                    s * 1000 / xfers, xfers > 1 ? "/xfer" : "s");
        } else {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%.4f millisec%s, ",
                    s * 1000 / xfers, xfers > 1 ? "/xfer" : "s");
        if (((xfers * size) / (MB * s)) > 1) {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%.2f MB/sec\n", (xfers * size) / (MB * s));
        } else {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%.2f KB/sec\n", (xfers * size) / (KB * s));

context(u64 xfers)
        struct timeval td;
        double  s;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        s = td.tv_sec + td.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
            "%d context switches in %.2f secs, %.0f microsec/switch\n",
            (int)xfers, s, s * 1000000 / xfers);

nano(char *s, u64 n)
        struct timeval td;
        double  micro;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        micro = td.tv_sec * 1000000 + td.tv_usec;
        micro *= 1000;
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        fprintf(ftiming, "%s: %.0f nanoseconds\n", s, micro / n);

micro(char *s, u64 n)
        struct timeval td;
        double  micro;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        micro = td.tv_sec * 1000000 + td.tv_usec;
        micro /= n;
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        fprintf(ftiming, "%s: %.4f microseconds\n", s, micro);
#if 0
        if (micro >= 100) {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%s: %.1f microseconds\n", s, micro);
        } else if (micro >= 10) {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%s: %.3f microseconds\n", s, micro);
        } else {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%s: %.4f microseconds\n", s, micro);

micromb(u64 sz, u64 n)
        struct timeval td;
        double  mb, micro;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        micro = td.tv_sec * 1000000 + td.tv_usec;
        micro /= n;
        mb = sz;
        mb /= MB;
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        if (micro >= 10) {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%.6f %.0f\n", mb, micro);
        } else {
                fprintf(ftiming, "%.6f %.3f\n", mb, micro);

milli(char *s, u64 n)
        struct timeval td;
        u64 milli;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        milli = td.tv_sec * 1000 + td.tv_usec / 1000;
        milli /= n;
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
        fprintf(ftiming, "%s: %d milliseconds\n", s, (int)milli);

ptime(u64 n)
        struct timeval td;
        double  s;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        s = td.tv_sec + td.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
        if (!ftiming) ftiming = stderr;
            "%d in %.2f secs, %.0f microseconds each\n",
            (int)n, s, s * 1000000 / n);

tvdelta(struct timeval *start, struct timeval *stop)
        struct timeval td;
        u64     usecs;

        tvsub(&td, stop, start);
        usecs = td.tv_sec;
        usecs *= 1000000;
        usecs += td.tv_usec;
        return (usecs);

tvsub(struct timeval * tdiff, struct timeval * t1, struct timeval * t0)
        tdiff->tv_sec = t1->tv_sec - t0->tv_sec;
        tdiff->tv_usec = t1->tv_usec - t0->tv_usec;
        if (tdiff->tv_usec < 0 && tdiff->tv_sec > 0) {
                tdiff->tv_usec += 1000000;
                assert(tdiff->tv_usec >= 0);

        /* time shouldn't go backwards!!! */
        if (tdiff->tv_usec < 0 || t1->tv_sec < t0->tv_sec) {
                tdiff->tv_sec = 0;
                tdiff->tv_usec = 0;

        return (tvdelta(&start_tv, &stop_tv));

        struct timeval td;

        tvsub(&td, &stop_tv, &start_tv);
        return (td.tv_sec + td.tv_usec / 1000000.0);

static  char    p64buf[10][20];
static  int     n;

char    *
p64(u64 big)
        char    *s = p64buf[n++];

        if (n == 10) n = 0;
#ifdef  linux
        int     *a = (int*)&big;

        if (a[1]) {
                sprintf(s, "0x%x%08x", a[1], a[0]);
        } else {
                sprintf(s, "0x%x", a[0]);
#ifdef  __sgi
        sprintf(s, "0x%llx", big);
        return (s);

char    *
p64sz(u64 big)
        double  d = big;
        char    *tags = " KMGTPE";
        int     t = 0;
        char    *s = p64buf[n++];

        if (n == 10) n = 0;
        while (d > 512) t++, d /= 1024;
        if (d == 0) {
                return ("0");
        if (d < 100) {
                sprintf(s, "%.4f%c", d, tags[t]);
        } else {
                sprintf(s, "%.2f%c", d, tags[t]);
        return (s);

last(char *s)
        while (*s++)
        return (s[-2]);

bytes(char *s)
        int     n = atoi(s);

        if ((last(s) == 'k') || (last(s) == 'K'))
                n *= 1024;
        if ((last(s) == 'm') || (last(s) == 'M'))
                n *= (1024 * 1024);
        return (n);

use_int(int result) { use_result_dummy += result; }

use_pointer(void *result) { use_result_dummy += (int)result; }

insertinit(result_t *r)
        int     i;

        r->N = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < TRIES; i++) {
                r->u[i] = 0;
                r->n[i] = 1;

/* biggest to smallest */
insertsort(u64 u, u64 n, result_t *r)
        int     i, j;

        if (u == 0) return;

        for (i = 0; i < r->N; ++i) {
                if (u/(double)n > r->u[i]/(double)r->n[i]) {
                        for (j = r->N; j > i; --j) {
                                r->u[j] = r->u[j-1];
                                r->n[j] = r->n[j-1];
        r->u[i] = u;
        r->n[i] = n;

static result_t results;

        int     i;

        for (i = 0; i < results.N; ++i) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%.2f ", (double)results.u[i]/results.n[i]);

get_results(result_t *r)
        *r = results;

save_results(result_t *r)
        results = *r;

        if (results.N == 0) {
        } else {
                save_n(results.n[results.N - 1]);
                settime(results.u[results.N - 1]);

        int     i = results.N / 2;
        u64     u, n;

        if (results.N == 0) {
                n = 1;
                u = 0;
        } else if (results.N % 2) {
                n = results.n[i];
                u = results.u[i];
        } else {
                n = (results.n[i] + results.n[i-1]) / 2;
                u = (results.u[i] + results.u[i-1]) / 2;
        save_n(n); settime(u);

 * The inner loop tracks bench.h but uses a different results array.
static long *
one_op(register long *p)
        BENCH_INNER(p = (long *)*p, 0);
        return (p);

static long *
two_op(register long *p, register long *q)
        BENCH_INNER(p = (long *)*q; q = (long*)*p, 0);
        return (p);

static long     *p = (long *)&p;
static long     *q = (long *)&q;

        int     i;
        u64     N_save, u_save;
        static  double overhead;
        static  int initialized = 0;
        result_t one, two, r_save;

        if (initialized) return (overhead);

        initialized = 1;
        if (getenv("LOOP_O")) {
                overhead = atof(getenv("LOOP_O"));
        } else {
                get_results(&r_save); N_save = get_n(); u_save = gettime(); 
                for (i = 0; i < TRIES; ++i) {
                        if (gettime() > t_overhead())
                                insertsort(gettime() - t_overhead(), get_n(), &one);
                        use_pointer((void *)two_op(p, q));
                        if (gettime() > t_overhead())
                                insertsort(gettime() - t_overhead(), get_n(), &two);
                 * u1 = (n1 * (overhead + work))
                 * u2 = (n2 * (overhead + 2 * work))
                 * ==> overhead = 2. * u1 / n1 - u2 / n2
                save_results(&one); save_minimum();
                overhead = 2. * gettime() / (double)get_n();
                save_results(&two); save_minimum();
                overhead -= gettime() / (double)get_n();
                if (overhead < 0.) overhead = 0.;       /* Gag */

                save_results(&r_save); save_n(N_save); settime(u_save); 
        return (overhead);

 * Figure out the timing overhead.  This has to track bench.h
        u64             N_save, u_save;
        static int      initialized = 0;
        static u64      overhead = 0;
        struct timeval  tv;
        result_t        r_save;

        if (initialized) return (overhead);

        initialized = 1;
        if (getenv("TIMING_O")) {
                overhead = atof(getenv("TIMING_O"));
        } else if (get_enough(0) <= 50000) {
                /* it is not in the noise, so compute it */
                int             i;
                result_t        r;

                get_results(&r_save); N_save = get_n(); u_save = gettime(); 
                for (i = 0; i < TRIES; ++i) {
                        BENCH_INNER(gettimeofday(&tv, 0), 0);
                        insertsort(gettime(), get_n(), &r);
                overhead = gettime() / get_n();

                save_results(&r_save); save_n(N_save); settime(u_save); 
        return (overhead);

 * Figure out how long to run it.
 * If enough == 0, then they want us to figure it out.
 * If enough is !0 then return it unless we think it is too short.
static  int     long_enough;
static  int     compute_enough();

get_enough(int e)
        return (long_enough > e ? long_enough : e);

static void
        static  int done = 0;

        if (done) return;
        done = 1;
        long_enough = compute_enough();

typedef long TYPE;

static TYPE **
enough_duration(register long N, register TYPE ** p)
#define ENOUGH_DURATION_TEN(one)        one one one one one one one one one one
        while (N-- > 0) {
                ENOUGH_DURATION_TEN(p = (TYPE **) *p;);
        return (p);

static u64
duration(long N)
        u64     usecs;
        TYPE   *x = (TYPE *)&x;
        TYPE  **p = (TYPE **)&x;

        p = enough_duration(N, p);
        usecs = stop(0, 0);
        use_pointer((void *)p);
        return (usecs);

 * find the minimum time that work "N" takes in "tries" tests
static u64
time_N(long N)
        int     i;
        u64     usecs;
        result_t r;

        for (i = 1; i < TRIES; ++i) {
                usecs = duration(N);
                insertsort(usecs, N, &r);
        return (gettime());

 * return the amount of work needed to run "enough" microseconds
static long
find_N(int enough)
        int             tries;
        static long     N = 10000;
        static u64      usecs = 0;

        if (!usecs) usecs = time_N(N);

        for (tries = 0; tries < 10; ++tries) {
                if (0.98 * enough < usecs && usecs < 1.02 * enough)
                        return (N);
                if (usecs < 1000)
                        N *= 10;
                else {
                        double  n = N;

                        n /= usecs;
                        n *= enough;
                        N = n + 1;
                usecs = time_N(N);
        return (-1);

 * We want to verify that small modifications proportionally affect the runtime
static double test_points[] = {1.015, 1.02, 1.035};
static int
test_time(int enough)
        int     i;
        long    N;
        u64     usecs, expected, baseline, diff;

        if ((N = find_N(enough)) <= 0)
                return (0);

        baseline = time_N(N);

        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test_points) / sizeof(double); ++i) {
                usecs = time_N((int)((double) N * test_points[i]));
                expected = (u64)((double)baseline * test_points[i]);
                diff = expected > usecs ? expected - usecs : usecs - expected;
                if (diff / (double)expected > 0.0025)
                        return (0);
        return (1);

 * We want to find the smallest timing interval that has accurate timing
static int     possibilities[] = { 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000 };
static int
        int     i;

        if (getenv("ENOUGH")) {
                return (atoi(getenv("ENOUGH")));
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(possibilities) / sizeof(int); ++i) {
                if (test_time(possibilities[i]))
                        return (possibilities[i]);

         * if we can't find a timing interval that is sufficient, 
         * then use SHORT as a default.
        return (SHORT);

 * This stuff isn't really lib_timing, but ...
        struct  rlimit r;

        getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &r);
        r.rlim_cur = r.rlim_max;
        setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &r);

touch(char *buf, int nbytes)
        static  psize;

        if (!psize) {
                psize = getpagesize();
        while (nbytes > 0) {
                *buf = 1;
                buf += psize;
                nbytes -= psize;

#if defined(hpux) || defined(__hpux)
        return (sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE));

#ifdef WIN32
        SYSTEM_INFO s;

        return ((int)s.dwPageSize);

        SYSTEMTIME s;
        FILETIME f;
        LARGE_INTEGER t;

        s.wYear = 1970;
        s.wMonth = 1;
        s.wDay = 1;
        s.wHour = 0;
        s.wMinute = 0;
        s.wSecond = 0;
        s.wMilliseconds = 0;
        SystemTimeToFileTime(&s, &f);
        t.QuadPart = f.dwHighDateTime;
        t.QuadPart <<= 32;
        t.QuadPart |= f.dwLowDateTime;
        return (t);

gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
        LARGE_INTEGER                   t;
        FILETIME                        f;
        double                                  microseconds;
        static LARGE_INTEGER    offset;
        static double                   frequencyToMicroseconds;
        static int                              initialized = 0;
        static BOOL                             usePerformanceCounter = 0;

        if (!initialized) {
                LARGE_INTEGER performanceFrequency;
                initialized = 1;
                usePerformanceCounter = 
                if (usePerformanceCounter) {
                        frequencyToMicroseconds = 
(double)performanceFrequency.QuadPart / 1000000.;
                } else {
                        offset = getFILETIMEoffset();
                        frequencyToMicroseconds = 10.;
        if (usePerformanceCounter) QueryPerformanceCounter(&t);
        else {
                t.QuadPart = f.dwHighDateTime;
                t.QuadPart <<= 32;
                t.QuadPart |= f.dwLowDateTime;

        t.QuadPart -= offset.QuadPart;
        microseconds = (double)t.QuadPart / frequencyToMicroseconds;
        t.QuadPart = microseconds;
        tv->tv_sec = t.QuadPart / 1000000;
        tv->tv_usec = t.QuadPart % 1000000;
        return (0);
char    *id = "$Id: lmdd.c,v 1.23 1997/12/01 23:47:59 lm Exp $\n";
 * defaults:
 *      bs=8k
 *      count=forever
 *      if=internal
 *      of=internal
 *      ipat=0
 *      opat=0
 *      mismatch=0
 *      rusage=0
 *      flush=0
 *      rand=0
 *      print=0
 *      direct=0
 *      rt=0
 *      rtmax=0
 *      wtmax=0
 *      rtmin=0
 *      wtmin=0
 *      label=""
 * shorthands:
 *      k, m, g are 2^10, 2^20, 2^30 multipliers.
 *      K, M, G are 10^3, 10^6, 10^9 multipliers.
 *      recognizes "internal" as an internal /dev/zero /dev/null file.
 * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Larry McVoy.  All rights reserved.
 * See the file COPYING for the licensing terms.
 * TODO - rewrite this entire thing from scratch.  This is disgusting code.

#ifndef __Lynx__
#define FLUSH

#include        <fcntl.h>
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        <stdlib.h>
#include        <signal.h>
#include        <string.h>
#include        <malloc.h>
#include        <unistd.h>
#include        <sys/types.h>
#include        <sys/wait.h>
#ifdef  USE_BDS
#include        "bds.h"
#include        <sys/time.h>
#include        "bench.h"

#define ALIGN(x, bs)    ((x + (bs - 1)) & ~(bs - 1))

#ifdef  FLUSH
#include        <sys/mman.h>
#include        <sys/stat.h>
void            flush(void);

#define USE_VALLOC
#ifdef  USE_VALLOC
#define VALLOC  valloc
#define VALLOC  malloc

extern  double  drand48();

#ifdef  __sgi
#       define  LSEEK(a,b,c)    (u64)lseek64(a, (off64_t)b, c)
#       define  ATOL(s)         atoll(s)
#       define  LSEEK(a,b,c)    (u64)lseek(a, b, c)
#       define  ATOL(s)         atol(s)

int     awrite, poff, out, Print, Fsync, Sync, Flush, Bsize, ru;
u64     Start, End, Rand, int_count;
int     hash;
int     Realtime, Notrunc;
int     Rt, Rtmax, Rtmin, Wt, Wtmax, Wtmin;
int     rthist[12];             /* histogram of read times */
int     wthist[12];             /* histogram of write times */
char    *Label;
u64     *norepeat;
int     norepeats = -1;
#ifdef  USE_BDS
        bds_msg *m1, *m2;

u64     getarg();
int     been_there(u64 off);
int     getfile(char *s, int ac, char **av);

char   *cmds[] = {
        "bs",                   /* block size */
        "bufs",                 /* use this many buffers round robin */
        "count",                /* number of blocks */
#ifdef  DBG
        "debug",                /* set external variable "dbg" */
#ifdef  O_DIRECT
        "direct",               /* direct I/O on input and output */
        "idirect",              /* direct I/O on input */
        "odirect",              /* direct I/O on output */
#ifdef  FLUSH
        "flush",                /* map in out and invalidate (flush) */
        "fork",                 /* fork to do write I/O */
        "fsync",                /* fsync output before exit */
        "if",                   /* input file */
        "ipat",                 /* check input for pattern */
        "label",                /* prefix print out with this */
        "mismatch",             /* stop at first mismatch */
        "move",                 /* instead of count, limit transfer to this */
        "of",                   /* output file */
        "opat",                 /* generate pattern on output */
        "print",                /* report type */
        "rand",                 /* do randoms over the specified size */
                                /* must be power of two, not checked */
        "poff",                 /* Print the offsets as we do the io. */
#ifdef  RUSAGE
        "rusage",               /* dump rusage stats */
        "skip",                 /* skip this number of blocks */
        "sync",                 /* sync output before exit */
        "touch",                /* touch each buffer after the I/O */
#if     !defined(hpux)
        "usleep",               /* sleep this many usecs between I/O */
        "hash",                 /* hash marks like FTP */
        "append",               /* O_APPEND */
        "rt",                   /* time reads */
        "wt",                   /* time writes */
        "rtmax",                /* read latency histogram max in mills */
        "wtmax",                /* write latency histogram max in mills */
        "rtmin",                /* read latency histogram max in mills */
        "wtmin",                /* write latency histogram max in mills */
        "realtime",             /* create files as XFS realtime files */
        "notrunc",              /* overwrite rather than truncing out file */
        "end",                  /* limit randoms to this size near the
                                 * Rand endpoints. */
        "start",                /* Add this to Rand */
        "time",                 /* Run for this many seconds only. */
        "srand",                /* Seed the random number generator */
        "padin",                /* Pad an extra untimed block_size read */
#ifdef  USE_BDS
        "awrite",               /* use async writes and pipeline them. */
        "norepeat",             /* don't ever do the same I/O twice */
#ifdef  sgi
        "mpin",                 /* pin the buffer */
        "timeopen",             /* include open time in results */
        "nocreate",             /* just open for writing, don't create/trunc it */
#ifdef  O_SYNC
        "osync",                /* O_SYNC */

void error(char *);
void    done();
#ifdef  DBG
extern int dbg;

main(int ac, char **av)
        u32  *buf;
        u32  *bufs[10];
        int     nbufs, nextbuf = 0;
        int     Fork, misses, mismatch, outpat, inpat, in, timeopen, gotcnt;
        int     slp;
        u64     skip, size, count;
        void    chkarg();
        int     i;
        u64     off = 0;
        int     touch;
        int     time;
        int     mills;
        int     pad_in;
        int     pid = 0;
        struct timeval  start_tv;
        struct timeval  stop_tv;

        if (sizeof(int) != 4) {
                fprintf(stderr, "sizeof(int) != 4\n");
        for (i = 1; i < ac; ++i) {
        signal(SIGINT, done);
        signal(SIGALRM, done);
        misses = mismatch = getarg("mismatch=", ac, av);
        inpat = getarg("ipat=", ac, av);
        outpat = getarg("opat=", ac, av);
        Bsize = getarg("bs=", ac, av);
        if (Bsize < 0)
                Bsize = 8192;
#if     !defined(hpux)
        slp = getarg("usleep=", ac, av);
        Fork = getarg("fork=", ac, av);
        Fsync = getarg("fsync=", ac, av);
        Sync = getarg("sync=", ac, av);
        Rand = getarg("rand=", ac, av);
        Start = getarg("start=", ac, av);
        End = getarg("end=", ac, av);
        time = getarg("time=", ac, av);
        if ((End != -1) && (Rand != -1) && (End > Rand)) {
                End = Rand;
        if (getarg("srand=", ac, av) != -1) {
                srand48((long)getarg("srand=", ac, av));
        poff = getarg("poff=", ac, av) != -1;
        Print = getarg("print=", ac, av);
        nbufs = getarg("bufs=", ac, av);
        Realtime = getarg("realtime=", ac, av);
        Rtmax = getarg("rtmax=", ac, av);
        if ((Rtmax != -1) && (Rtmax < 10))
                Rtmax = 10;
        Rtmin = getarg("rtmin=", ac, av);
        if ((Rtmax != -1) && (Rtmin == -1)) {
                Rtmin = 0;
        Rt = getarg("rt=", ac, av);
        Wtmax = getarg("wtmax=", ac, av);
        if ((Wtmax != -1) && (Wtmax < 10))
                Wtmax = 10;
        Wtmin = getarg("wtmin=", ac, av);
        if ((Wtmax != -1) && (Wtmin == -1)) {
                Wtmin = 0;
        Wt = getarg("wt=", ac, av);
        if ((Rtmin && !Rtmax) || (Wtmin && !Wtmax)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Need a max to go with that min.\n");
        if ((Rtmin > Rtmax) || (Wtmin > Wtmax)) {
                    "min has to be less than max, R=%d,%d W=%d,%d\n",
                    Rtmax, Rtmin, Wtmax, Wtmin);
        timeopen = getarg("timeopen=", ac, av);
        pad_in = getarg("padin=", ac, av);
        if (pad_in == -1) pad_in = 0;
        if (nbufs == -1) nbufs = 1;
        if (nbufs > 10) { printf("Too many bufs\n"); exit(1); }
#ifdef  DBG
        dbg = getarg("debug=", ac, av) != -1;
#ifdef  RUSAGE
        ru = getarg("rusage=", ac, av);
        touch = getarg("touch=", ac, av) != -1;
        hash = getarg("hash=", ac, av) != (u64)-1;
        Label = (char *)(u32)getarg("label=", ac, av);
        count = getarg("count=", ac, av);
        size = getarg("move=", ac, av);
        if (size != (u64)-1)
                count = size / Bsize;
        if (Rand != -1) {
                size = Rand - Bsize;
                size = ALIGN(size, Bsize);

#ifdef  FLUSH
        Flush = getarg("flush=", ac, av);
        if (count == (u64)-1)
                gotcnt = 0;
                gotcnt = 1;
        int_count = 0;
        skip = getarg("skip=", ac, av);
        if (getarg("norepeat=", ac, av) != -1) {
                if (gotcnt) {
                        norepeat = (u64*)calloc(count, sizeof(u64));
                } else {
                        norepeat = (u64*)calloc(10<<10, sizeof(u64));

        if ((inpat != -1 || outpat != -1) && (Bsize & 3)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Block size 0x%x must be word aligned\n", Bsize);
        if ((Bsize >> 2) == 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Block size must be at least 4.\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nbufs; i++) {
                if (!(bufs[i] = (u32 *) VALLOC((unsigned) Bsize))) {
                bzero((char *) bufs[i], Bsize);
#ifdef sgi
                if (getarg("mpin=", ac, av) != -1) {
                        if (mpin((void *)bufs[i], (size_t)Bsize)) {
                                perror("mpin for adam");

        if (time != -1) {
        if (timeopen != -1) {
        in = getfile("if=", ac, av);
        out = getfile("of=", ac, av);
        if (timeopen == -1) {
        if ((Rtmax != -1) && in < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "I think you wanted wtmax, not rtmax\n");
        if ((Wtmax != -1) && out < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "I think you wanted rtmax, not wtmax\n");
        if (skip != (u64)-1) {
                off = skip;
                off *= Bsize;
                if (in >= 0) {
                        LSEEK(in, off, 0);
                if (out >= 0) {
                        LSEEK(out, off, 0);
                if (poff) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s ", p64sz(off));
        for (;;) {
                register int moved;

                if (gotcnt && count-- <= 0) {

                 * If End is set, it means alternate back and forth
                 * between the end points of Rand, doing randoms within
                 * the area 0..End and Rand-End..Rand
                if (End != -1) {
                        static  u64 start = 0;

                        start = start ? 0 : Rand - End;
                        do {
                                off = drand48() * End;
                                off = ALIGN(off, Bsize);
                                off += start;
                                if (Start != -1) {
                                        off += Start;
                        } while (norepeat && been_there(off));
                        if (norepeat) {
                                norepeat[norepeats++] = off;
                                if (!gotcnt && (norepeats == 10<<10)) {
                                        norepeats = 0;
                        if (in >= 0) {
                                LSEEK(in, off, 0);
                        if (out >= 0) {
                                LSEEK(out, off, 0);
                 * Set the seek pointer if doing randoms
                else if (Rand != -1) {
                        do {
                                off = drand48() * (size - Bsize);
                                if (Start != -1) {
                                        off += Start;
                                off = ALIGN(off, Bsize);
                        } while (norepeat && been_there(off));
                        if (norepeat) {
                                norepeat[norepeats++] = off;
                        if (!gotcnt && (norepeats == 10<<10)) {
                                norepeats = 0;
                        if (in >= 0) {
                                LSEEK(in, off, 0);
                        if (out >= 0) {
                                LSEEK(out, off, 0);
                if (poff) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s ", p64sz(off));

                buf = bufs[nextbuf];
                if (++nextbuf == nbufs) nextbuf = 0;
                if (in >= 0) {
                        if ((Rt != -1) || (Rtmax != -1) || (Rtmin != -1)) {
                        moved = read(in, buf, Bsize);
                        if (pad_in) { /* ignore this run, restart clock */
                            pad_in = 0;
                        if (Rt) {
                                int mics = stop(&start_tv, &stop_tv);
                                mills = mics / 1000;
                                    "READ: %.02f milliseconds offset %s, ",
                                    ((float)mics) / 1000,
                                    p64sz(LSEEK(in, 0, SEEK_CUR)));
                                fprintf(stderr, "%.02f MB/sec\n",
                        } else if ((Rtmax != -1) || (Rtmin != -1)) {
                                int mics = stop(&start_tv, &stop_tv);
                                mills = mics / 1000;
                                if ((mills > Rtmax) || (mills < Rtmin)) {
                                          "READ: %.02f milliseconds offset %s\n",
                                                ((float)mics) / 1000,
                                                p64sz(LSEEK(in, 0, SEEK_CUR)));
                                 * Put this read time in the histogram.
                                 * The buckets are each 1/10th of Rtmax.
                                if (mills >= Rtmax) {
                                } else if (mills < Rtmin) {
                                } else {
                                        int     step = (Rtmax - Rtmin) / 10;
                                        int     i;

                                        for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
                                                if (mills < i * step + Rtmin) {
                } else {
                        moved = Bsize;
                if (moved == -1) {
                if (moved <= 0) {
                if (inpat != -1) {
                        register int foo, cnt;

                        for (foo = 0, cnt = moved/sizeof(int); cnt--; foo++) {
                                if (buf[foo] != (u32) (off + foo*sizeof(int))) {
                                            "off=%u want=%x got=%x\n",
                                            (u32)(off + foo*sizeof(int)),
                                        if (mismatch != -1 && --misses == 0) {
                if ((in >= 0) && touch) {
                        int     i;

                        for (i = 0; i < moved; i += 4096) {
                                ((char *)buf)[i] = 0;
                if (out >= 0) {
                        int     moved2;

                        if (Fork != -1) {
                                if (pid) {
                                        waitpid(pid, 0, 0);
                                if ((pid = fork())) {
                                        off += moved;
                                        int_count += (moved >> 2);
                        if (outpat != -1) {
                                register int foo, cnt;

                                for (foo = 0, cnt = moved/sizeof(int);
                                    cnt--; foo++) {
                                        buf[foo] =
                                            (u32)(off + foo*sizeof(int));
                        if ((Wt != -1) || (Wtmax != -1) || (Wtmin != -1)) { 
#ifdef  USE_BDS
                         * The first time through, m1 & m2 are null.
                         * The Nth time through, we start the I/O into
                         * m2, and wait on m1, then switch.
                        if (awrite) {
                                if (m1) {
                                        m2 = bds_awrite(out, buf, moved);
                                        moved2 = bds_adone(out, m1);
                                        m1 = m2;
                                } else {
                                        m1 = bds_awrite(out, buf, moved);
                                        goto writedone;
                        } else {
                                moved2 = write(out, buf, moved);
                        moved2 = write(out, buf, moved);

                        if (moved2 == -1) {
                        if (moved2 != moved) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "write: wanted=%d got=%d\n",
                                    moved, moved2);
                        if (Wt) {
                                int mics = stop(&start_tv, &stop_tv);
                                mills = mics / 1000;
                                    "WRITE: %.02f milliseconds offset %s, ",
                                    ((float)mics) / 1000,
                                    p64sz(LSEEK(out, 0, SEEK_CUR)));
                                fprintf(stderr, "%.02f MB/sec\n",
                        } else if ((Wtmax != -1) || (Wtmin != -1)) {
                                int mics = stop(&start_tv, &stop_tv);

                                mills = mics / 1000;
                                if ((mills > Wtmax) || (mills < Wtmin)) {
                                          "WRITE: %.02f milliseconds offset %s\n",
                                                ((float)mics) / 1000,
                                                p64sz(LSEEK(out, 0, SEEK_CUR)));
                                 * Put this write time in the histogram.
                                 * The buckets are each 1/10th of Wtmax.
                                if (mills >= Wtmax) {
                                } else if (mills < Wtmin) {
                                } else {
                                        int     step = (Wtmax - Wtmin) / 10;
                                        int     i;

                                        for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
                                                if (mills < i * step + Wtmin) {

                        if (moved2 == -1) {
                        if (moved2 != moved) {

                        if (touch) {
                                int     i;

                                for (i = 0; i < moved; i += 4096) {
                                        ((char *)buf)[i] = 0;
#ifdef  USE_BDS
writedone:      /* for the first async write */
                off += moved;
                int_count += (moved >> 2);
#if     !defined(hpux)
                if (slp != -1) {
                if (hash) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "#");
                if (Fork != -1) {

been_there(u64 off)
        register int i;

        for (i = 0; i <= norepeats; ++i) {
                if (off == norepeat[i]) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "norepeat on %u\n", (u32)off);
                        return (1);
        return (0);

chkarg(char *arg)
        int     i;
        char    *a, *b;

        for (i = 0; cmds[i]; ++i) {
                for (a = arg, b = cmds[i]; *a && *b && *a == *b; a++, b++)
                if (*a == '=')
        fprintf(stderr, "Bad arg: %s, possible arguments are: ", arg);
        for (i = 0; cmds[i]; ++i) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s ", cmds[i]);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        int     i;
        int     step;
        int     size;

#ifdef  USE_BDS
        if (awrite && m1) {
                bds_adone(out, m1);
        if (Sync > 0)
        if (Fsync > 0)
#ifdef  FLUSH
        if (Flush > 0)
        stop(NULL, NULL);
#ifdef  RUSAGE
        if (ru != -1)
        if (hash || poff) {
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        if ((long)Label != -1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s", Label);
        int_count <<= 2;
        switch (Print) {
            case 0:     /* no print out */

            case 1:     /* latency type print out */
                latency((u64)(int_count / Bsize), (u64)Bsize);

            case 2:     /* microsecond per op print out */
                micro("", (u64)(int_count / Bsize));

            case 3:     /* kb / sec print out */

            case 4:     /* mb / sec print out */

            case 5:     /* Xgraph output */
                bandwidth(int_count, 1, 0);

            default:    /* bandwidth print out */
                bandwidth(int_count, 1, 1);
        if (Rtmax != -1) {
                printf("READ operation latencies\n");
                step = (Rtmax - Rtmin) / 10;
                if (rthist[0]) {
                        printf("%d- ms: %d\n", Rtmin, rthist[0]);
                for (i = 1, size = Rtmin; i <= 10; i++, size += step) {
                        if (!rthist[i])
                        printf("%d to %d ms: %d\n",
                               size, size + step - 1, rthist[i]);
                if (rthist[11]) {
                        printf("%d+ ms: %d\n", Rtmax, rthist[11]);
        if (Wtmax != -1) {
                printf("WRITE operation latencies\n");
                step = (Wtmax - Wtmin) / 10;
                if (wthist[0]) {
                        printf("%d- ms: %d\n", Wtmin, wthist[0]);
                for (i = 1, size = Wtmin; i <= 10; i++, size += step) {
                        if (!wthist[i])
                        printf("%d to %d ms: %d\n",
                               size, size + step - 1, wthist[i]);
                if (wthist[11]) {
                        printf("%d+ ms: %d\n", Wtmax, wthist[11]);

getarg(char *s, int ac, char **av)
        register u64 len, i;

        len = strlen(s);

        for (i = 1; i < ac; ++i) {
                if (!strncmp(av[i], s, len)) {
                        register u64 bs = ATOL(&av[i][len]);

                        switch (av[i][strlen(av[i]) - 1]) {
                            case 'K': bs *= 1000; break;
                            case 'k': bs <<= 10; break;
                            case 'M': bs *= 1000000; break;
                            case 'm': bs <<= 20; break;
                            case 'G': bs *= 1000000000L; break;
                            case 'g': bs <<= 30; break;

                        if (!strncmp(av[i], "label", 5)) {
                                return (u64)(u32)(&av[i][len]); /* HACK */
                        if (!strncmp(av[i], "bs=", 3)) {
                                return (u64)(bs);
                        return (bs);
        return ((u64)-1);

char    *output;

getfile(char *s, int ac, char **av)
        register int ret, len, i;
        int     append = getarg("append=", ac, av) != -1;
        int     notrunc = getarg("notrunc=", ac, av) != -1;
        int     nocreate = getarg("nocreate=", ac, av) != -1;
#ifdef  O_SYNC
        int     osync = getarg("osync=", ac, av) != -1;
        int     oflags;

        len = strlen(s);

        for (i = 1; i < ac; ++i) {
                if (!strncmp(av[i], s, len)) {
                        if (av[i][0] == 'o') {
                                if (!strcmp("of=internal", av[i]))
                                        return (-2);
                                if (!strcmp("of=stdout", av[i]))
                                        return (1);
                                if (!strcmp("of=1", av[i]))
                                        return (1);
                                if (!strcmp("of=-", av[i]))
                                        return (1);
                                if (!strcmp("of=stderr", av[i]))
                                        return (2);
                                if (!strcmp("of=2", av[i]))
                                        return (2);
                                oflags = O_WRONLY;
                                oflags |= (notrunc || append) ? 0 : O_TRUNC;
                                oflags |= nocreate ? 0 : O_CREAT;
                                oflags |= append ? O_APPEND : 0;
#ifdef O_SYNC
                                oflags |= osync ? O_SYNC : 0;
                                ret = open(&av[i][len], oflags,0644);
#ifdef  O_DIRECT
                                if ((getarg("odirect=", ac, av) != -1) ||
                                    (getarg("direct=", ac, av) != -1)) {
                                        ret = open(&av[i][len], oflags|O_DIRECT);
                                        awrite =
                                            getarg("awrite=", ac, av) != -1;
                                if (ret == -1)
                                if (Realtime == 1) {
                                        struct fsxattr fsxattr;
                                        bzero(&fsxattr,sizeof(struct fsxattr));
                                        fsxattr.fsx_xflags = 0x1;
                                        if (fcntl(ret,F_FSSETXATTR,&fsxattr)){
                                                printf("WARNING: Could not make %s a 
real time file\n",
                                output = &av[i][len];
                                return (ret);
                        } else {
                                if (!strcmp("if=internal", av[i]))
                                        return (-2);
                                if (!strcmp("if=stdin", av[i]))
                                        return (0);
                                if (!strcmp("if=0", av[i]))
                                        return (0);
                                if (!strcmp("if=-", av[i]))
                                        return (0);
                                ret = open(&av[i][len], 0);
#ifdef  O_DIRECT
                                if ((getarg("idirect=", ac, av) != -1) ||
                                    (getarg("direct=", ac, av) != -1)) {
                                        ret = open(&av[i][len], O_RDONLY|O_DIRECT);
                                if (ret == -1)
                                return (ret);
        return (-2);

#ifdef  FLUSH
warning(char *s)
        if ((long)Label != -1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", Label);
        return (-1);

        int     fd;
        struct  stat sb;
        caddr_t where;

        if (output == NULL || (fd = open(output, 2)) == -1) {
                warning("No output file");
        if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1 || sb.st_size == 0) {
        where = mmap(0, sb.st_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
        msync(where, sb.st_size, MS_INVALIDATE);
        munmap(where, sb.st_size);

error(char *s)
        if ((long)Label != -1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", Label);
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