um, presumably this new magic page won't eliminate the old syscall entry
points. so just use those for UML.
On Fri, 4 May 2001, Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
> > > > That means that for fooling closed-source statically-linked binary,
> > >
> > > If they are using glibc then you have the right to the object to link
> > > with the library and the library source under the LGPL. I dont know of any
> > > app using its own C lib
> >
> > Some don't use any libc at all, some just don't use it for the time call
> > that were talking about substituting.
> >
> > Lying about the time is a hack, pure and simple. It will still be possible
> > with magic pages. The fact that it will require more kernel hacking to
> > accomplish it is irrelevant.
> No. You are breaking self-virtualization here. That is not irrelevant.
> It used to require no kernel support before. Now it will require
> kernel support. That's step back. (Think uml).
> Pavel
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