Please CC any replies.
Please refer to my previous post 'PROBLEM: 2.4.4 oops, will not boot'
for complete machine details/configuration.
I'm still working on different 2.4 kernels trying to get just one to
boot normally. Currently I've removed all modules and built everything
into the kernel, that seems to help a 'little'.
Just tried 2.4.5pre1...
1st boot. Got as far as "Checking all file systems...", which is:
fsck -C -R -A -a (Debian Sid). This was followed by numerous (>50)
lines of the form:
memory.c: 83 (something I couldn't read fast enough)
followed by the machine auto-rebooting.
2nd boot. Trying to duplicate to read above memory.c ...
Led to the attached oops.txt > ksym.out contained in the tarball.
3rd boot. I was actually able to login... for about 5 mins. I attempted
to run the above oops through ksymoops while kernel was running. It
appeared to work, just then machine froze, required my using reset
button on case. This led to booting back into 2.2.19 with duplicate
inodes, manual run of fsck.
4th boot. Led to the attached oops2.txt > ksym2.out which was just the
first oops of approx. 20 or more before machine froze. All the
remaining oops (that I looked at) were of the same type/address.
I really hope someone finds this, Andrew Morton(sp?) was looking into my
2.4.4 oops, says my slab is being corrupted? Would be kind of
interesting to find out it is hardware related. This m/b and CPU are
brand new, can still take them back -)
Thanks for your time.
Gordon Sadler