> Hi.. I follow your instruction, but I encounter this issue, my kernel need
> to be upgrade? MAy I know how to determine the current kernel version and
> how to upgrade it??

You can see the current kernel version by doing uname -a. It is also shown
at boot time.

> [root@guava /root]# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dst
> -i
> eth1 -j D
> NAT --to-destination
> iptables v1.1.1: can't initialize iptables table `nat': iptables who? (do
> you need to insm
> od?)
> Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
> [root@guava simc]# rpm -ivh iptables-1_2_0-6_i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>         kernel >= 2.4.0 is needed by iptables-1.2.0-6
For iptables you'll need kernel >= 2.4.0, as stated. I don't know if RedHat
has a precompiled rpm somewhere (i don't use RedHat) but i would think so.
You might ask your local RedHat guru ;-).
Other options are:
- build your own 2.4.x (see Kernel-HOWTO, if it's not too outdated)
- use ipchains.

I don't know ipchains enough to tell you how to do it, i don't even know if
it's possible.... But
http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO-6.html#ss6.8 may be of
interest to you.


Michel Wilson.

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