To all in the mailing list,

I have been testing Andrea Arcangeli's kernel patches for 
Linux/Alpha on a UP2000 SMP with 2GB memory running
SuSE-7.0 with all the latest updates from the official 
SuSE site, but with xfree86-3.6.6.

Xfree-4.0.1 does not work for the 3DLabs card I have.

Under 2.4.4aa1, the X does not start as if some important 
pieces of X are not readable.   Under 2.4.4aa2, the machine 
doe not boot showing the following message in the end:

Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University ...... NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket

I guess that something is wrong with the socket handling 
in both versions.  Or, the trouble may originally exist in the 
linux-2.4.4 rather than in the aa-patches.  I really don't know.
BTW, I attached below my .config files.  However, due to recent 
flurries of messages regarding a bug in fork.c, I did not 
try the original 2.4.4.

Those two config files are really similar 
to the one that Andrea is actually using for his patch development.

I now backed down to linux-2.4.3-ac14, (alan's patch to 2.4.3).

BTW, the -pre versions are officially maintained by Linus, 
while the -ac versions are maintained by Alan.  What is special
in the -ac versions?    I see them trying to converge.  But 
I'd like to know exactly what is actually being tried in the 
-ac versions.

Best regards,

G. Hugh Song



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