On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 09:14:19AM +0900, Kamezawa Hiroyuki wrote:
> >
> >nr[lru] at the end there is pages remaining to be scanned not pages
> >scanned already.
> yes.
> >Did you mean something like this?
> >
> >nr[lru] = scantarget[lru] * percentage / 100 - (scantarget[lru] - nr[lru])
> >
> For clarification, this "percentage" means the ratio of remaining scan target 
> of
> another LRU. So, *scanned* percentage is "100 - percentage", right ?
Yes, correct.

> If I understand the changelog correctly, you'd like to keep
>    scantarget[anon] : scantarget[file]
>    == really_scanned_num[anon] : really_scanned_num[file]


> even if we stop scanning in the middle of scantarget. And you introduced 
> "percentage"
> to make sure that both scantarget should be done in the same ratio.


> So...another lru should scan  scantarget[x] * (100 - percentage)/100 in total.
> nr[lru] = scantarget[lru] * (100 - percentage)/100 - (scantarget[lru] - 
> nr[lru])
>           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>              proportionally adjusted scan target        already scanned num
>        =  nr[lru] - scantarget[lru] * percentage/100.

Yes, you are completely correct. This preserves the original ratio of
anon:file scanning properly.

Mel Gorman
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