On Wed, Apr 03, 2013 at 06:22:04PM +0800, Zheng Liu wrote:
> Subject: [PATCH] ext4: fix a big-endian bug when an extent is zeroed out
> From: Zheng Liu <wenqing...@taobao.com>
> When an extent was zeroed out, we forgot to do convert from cpu to le16.
> It could make us hit a BUG_ON when we try to write dirty pages out.  So
> fix it.
> Signed-off-by: Zheng Liu <wenqing...@taobao.com>

Thanks for finding this!  I think we should push this to Linus right
away, and not wait for the next merge window.  The bug has been here
for a long time, but it was unmasked by the fact that we unbroke
extent zeroing in 3.9-rcX.

I have two big questions.  (1) Shouldn't Eric Whitney have picked this
up with his ARM pandaboard testing, since IIRC it's big-endian as
well?  If not, is there something we can do to improve our testing wrt
to big-endian systems?

And (2) does it make sense to have an inline function
ext4_ext_set_len(len)?  It might save some lines of code, but more
importantly, it might make it less likely that we will overlook this
sort of bug in the future.

                                        - Ted
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