> Thanks to all who offered suggestions, both on the list and privately.
> than answer them all individually, I'm going to respond in this one
> Unfortunately the upgrade is not going to be done by me, but by our PC
> team.  Our laptops originally were set up with two FAT32 partitions:
a small
> one for Win98 and applications, and a large one for data files.  I
used FIPS to
> carve off most of the large one for a swap partition and an ext2
> Now, because of the larger space requirements of Win2000, they're
going to wipe
> out everything on the drives and start from scratch.  They'll be doing
all our
> laptops in a short period of time, and want to do all of them the same
> >From everything I've been told here, it sounds like my best bet is to
try and
> talk them into replacing the two FAT32 partitions (which are
contiguous) with
> one big one and leave my Linux partitions alone.  That way I won't
have to deal
> with NTFS at all.  Fortunately, one of the PC support guys ought to be
> sympathetic; he runs Linux at home and has asked me for advice in
getting it set
> up on his laptop, too.  I'll see if I can talk him into doing my
> differently from the others.  I have to be careful, though; my Linux
use at work
> is tolerated, but not (yet) encouraged, and I don't want to rock the
boat too
> much.
> Thanks again to everyone.
> Wayne

I would, if it goes all wrong, just copy all the stuff from NTFS over
to your home PC (linux boot floppy, NTFS r/o mount), use a windoze boot
to create FAT32 partitions, get a FAT32 NT boot sector from somewhere
(or use
the Recovery Console which I find great) and copy it back over network.
This should run without any serious problems.


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