Anton Altaparmakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> At 18:56 14/04/2001, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> >Anton Altaparmakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > I found a bug: In "Intel and compatible 80x86 processor options", "Intel
> > > and compatible 80x86 processor types" I press "y" on "Pentium Classic"
> > > option and it activates Penitum-III as well as Pentium Classic options at
> > > the same time!?! Tried to play around switching to something else and then
> > > onto Pentium Classic again and it enabled Pentium Classic and Pentium
> > > Pro/Celeron/Pentium II (NEW) this time! Something is very wrong here.
> >
> >Rules file bug, probably.  I'll investigate this afternoon.
> Just to say that this bug still exists in CML2 1.1.1 but it is sometimes 
> hidden, i.e. you only see a "Y" on one of the options but when you select 
> another option, it sometimes says that TWO other options were set to "n" 
> implying that two options were Y before... I also still see random two 
> options being Y when playing with Pentium Classic selection (right now I 
> see Pentium Classic and Pentium-4 at the same time being Y on my screen)...

I can't reproduce this in 1.1.2.  Here's a ttyconfig run, after "v 2" to set
the verbose flag.

    Skip-to-query arrived at x86type
Intel and compatible 80x86 processor types may have these values:
 1: M386                            386
 2: M486                            486
 3: M586                            586/K5/5x86/6x86/6x86MX
 4: M586TSC                         Pentium Classic
 5: M586MMX                         Pentium MMX
 6: M686                            Pentium Pro/Celeron/Pentium II
 7: MPENTIUMIII                     Pentium-III
 8: MPENTIUM4                       Pentium-4
 9: MK6                             K6/K6-II/K6-III
10: MK7                             Athlon/Duron/K7
11: MCRUSOE                         Crusoe
12: MWINCHIPC6                      Winchip-C6
13: MWINCHIP2                       Winchip-2
14: MWINCHIP3D                      Winchip-2A/Winchip-3
15: MCYRIXIII                       CyrixIII/C3
x86type: Intel and compatible 80x86 processor types (M686): 4
User action on M586TSC.
    set_symbol_internal(M586TSC, y, None)
    bindsymbol(M586TSC, y, M586TSC)
    set_symbol_internal(M386, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol M386 unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(M486, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol M486 unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(M586, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol M586 unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(M586MMX, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol M586MMX unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(M686, n, M586TSC)
    bindsymbol(M686, n, M586TSC)
    M686=n (deduced from M586TSC)
    set_symbol_internal(MPENTIUMIII, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MPENTIUMIII unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(MPENTIUM4, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MPENTIUM4 unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(MK6, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MK6 unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(MK7, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MK7 unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(MCRUSOE, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MCRUSOE unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(MWINCHIPC6, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MWINCHIPC6 unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(MWINCHIP2, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MWINCHIP2 unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(MWINCHIP3D, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MWINCHIP3D unchanged
    set_symbol_internal(MCYRIXIII, n, M586TSC)
    Symbol MCYRIXIII unchanged
M686=n (deduced from M586TSC)
    Committing new bindings.
Trit flag is now y
    Skip-to-query called from x86type
    is_visible(MICROCODE) called
    MICROCODE not visible, MICROCODE guard M686 is false
    is_visible(TOSHIBA) called
    Query of TOSHIBA *not* elided
    Skip-to-query arrived at TOSHIBA
TOSHIBA: Toshiba Laptop support < > (NEW)?: 

I'm going to ship 1.1.2 in a few hours.  Would you see if you can reproduce
it in your environment?  Perhaps it's some effect of reading in your
existing config.out.
                <a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

...the Federal irresponsible body, working like gravity
by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and
advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of
jurisdiction until all shall be usurped from the States; and the
government of all be consolidated into one.
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