> Hello,
> I am running RedHat Wolverine (beta) with kernel 2.4.2. I have a SCSI subsystem
>(AHA2740) with a Panasonic LF-D101 DVDRAM on it.
> I read that the CDROM driver is built to recognize DVDRAMs and allow writes; well I
>can mount and read the UDF file system fine, but am not allowed writes. I have
>UDF2.0 on the disk, because it didn't recognize UDF2.1.
> Also, when I make xconfig, it includes UDF support, but read-only.
>(Write-Experimental is grayed-out)
> In fstab: /dev/scd1 is mounted to /mnt/dvdram udf default 0 0. (paraphrasing)
> I need the DVDRAM for backups and file transfers. Is the problem the driver, the
>UDF filesystem, my setup, or what?
> --
> C.
> The best way out is always through.
> - Robert Frost A Servant to Servants, 1914
> -
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Check that "Experimental " is enabled under "Code Maturity level options",
if you can't find it try using "make menuconfig" instead of "make xconfig"
Note that the UDF-write support option is listed as "Dangerous"... possibly
making things difficult, but then again if you have a DVD-RAM,
how bad can things be :)
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