On Sat, 14 Apr 2001, Marc SCHAEFER wrote:
> Now try this:
>    cd ~archive
>    mt -f /dev/tapes/tape0 rewind
>    tar cvf - . | gzip -9 | dd of=/dev/tapes/tape0 bs=32k
> and then:
>    mt -f /dev/tapes/tape0 rewind
>    dd if=/dev/tapes/tape0 bs=32k | gzip -d | tar --compare -v -f -
> The above is the proper way to talk to a tape drive through gzip.

So you make gzip use blocks of 32 kB.

Do you also mean it is illegal to use blocksize 10 kB (default tar, no gzip)
with a tape drive??



Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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