Marcin Kowalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Thu Apr 12, 2001 [05:30:59 PM] said:
> Hi
> I have applied this(Tom's) patch as well as the small change to
> dcache.c(thanx Andreas, David, Alexander and All), I ran some tests and so
> far so good, both the dcache and inode cache entries in slabinfo are keeping
> nice and low even though I tested by creating thousands of files and then
> deleting then. The dentry and icache both pruged succesfully.
I applied these patches to 2.4.3-ac5, and it made a world
of difference. I can run kernel compiles, things like 'find /',
and move between desktops running netscape, mutt with 15000
messages threaded, etc. without sloggy delays... eg. previously
netscape used to take a second or so to repaint under this type
of 'load' upon returning to it from a brief visit to another
This is a subjective assesment of my desktop type system,
k6-333 with 64M; 2.4 is much more usable for me now.
If anyone wants me to run specific tests, I am willing.
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