On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 07:23:24PM -0400, Joe wrote:
> Not sure but I think I found a NEW bug.
> I know that there have been some issues with pentiums and floating point
> arrithmatic, but this takes the cake...
> Linux Lserver.org 2.2.18 #43 SMP Fri Mar 9 14:19:41 EST 2001 i586
> unknown
> I am getting the following as output
> joeja@Lserver$ ./testf
> 5483.990000
> 5483.990234
> what is with the .990234?? it should be .990000
> any ideas on this??
Your second number is a 32-bit float - which has roughly 7 digits of
precision. Just like your program output clearly shows.
(I do however fail to see the relevance of this to linux-kernel)
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