On Thu, 12 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Still experimenting with my SDT-9000... tried connecting it to another
> controller
> (2940AU in place of 2904, sorry but I've only Adaptec stuff :). Same
> problem.
> Tried with another tape (even with an old DDS-2 tape). Same. Even tried
> another
> cable/removing the CDWR drive from the bus.
> It seems that the tape is written incorrectly. I wrote some large file
> (300MB)
> and read it back four time. The read copies are all the same. They differ
> from the original only in 32 consecutive bytes (the replaced values SEEM
> random). Of course, 32 bytes in 300MB tar.gz files are TOO MUCH to be
> accepted :)
A similar problem has been reported under Linux/PPC a couple of weeks ago
using a sym53c875 controller. In this case, kernel 2.2 was fine.
> Now I'll build some old 2.2 kernel to try...
If 2.2 is ok with your tape, a software error in 2.4 gets very likely, in
my opinion.
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