2013/1/30 Bjørn Mork <bj...@mork.no>:
> Daniele Palmas <dnl...@gmail.com> writes:
>> The output of lsusb for interface #1 is the following:
>> Interface Descriptor:
>>       bLength                 9
>>       bDescriptorType         4
>>       bInterfaceNumber        1
>>       bAlternateSetting       0
>>       bNumEndpoints           2
>>       bInterfaceClass       255 Vendor Specific Class
>>       bInterfaceSubClass     66
>>       bInterfaceProtocol      1
>>       iInterface              0
>> It should be an adb device, so probably it is not needed to blacklist
>> it. Should I resend a new patch with only interface #5 reserved?
> You could have used USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO() matching on all
> ff/ff/ff to avoid blacklisting the adb interface, but IMHO the patch is
> fine as it is.

Thanks, next time I'll follow that way.

> This being an Android device raises another question though: Are these
> interface numbers static?  I assume you can e.g. disable adb?  What
> happens to the descriptors then?  Does the device change pid, or are the
> interfaces renumbered?

This is the device:


It is not an Android device, but an AT command based modem. I don't
really know why there is an adb interface, but I am quite sure that
you cannot disable it and the interface numbers should be static.

However, if I find that this is not true, I will take care of sending
a new set of patches for addressing the issue.

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