> Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 03:35:03 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Ketil Froyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> While running kernel 2.4.2-ac28, I switched on spinlock debugging and
> verbose BUG() reporting (I always use sysrq). Anyway, while running this I
> got an oops after about 2 or 3 minutes running, several times, exact same
> place each time, which I traced back to rh_int_timer_do().
> This was in uhci.c (I used CONFIG_USB_UHCI_ALT). [...] I
> recompiled with usb-uhci.c instead (CONFIG_USB_UHCI), and now I don't get
> the oops any more.
I am behind usb-uhci for a reason. Alan bounced your report
to me but I do not see a case for action...
-- Pete
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