At 10:54 AM 4/1/01, Mike Bennett wrote:
>Was getting ready to compile 2.2.19 this AM and went to
>Justin's site to grab the latest aic7xxx driver.
>Unfortunately, he doesn't have a patch for 2.2.19 and the
>2.2.18 patch doesn't apply cleanly because the stock driver
>It's a long story, but the short version is that the stock
>driver has always given me timeouts with heavy disk activity.
>Right now I'm using 6.0.8beta in 2.2.18 since Jan 12 and have
>not had a single timeout problem. Needless to say, I won't be
>upgrading kernels today. Damn, now I've got no excuse for
>not mowing the lawn... :)
No excuse needed here in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This morning lawn mowing is
a non-issue. It's snowing merrily - just like it was winter.
>Has anyone made a patch against 2.2.19 ?
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David Relson Osage Software Systems, Inc.
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