In mailing-lists.linux-kernel, you wrote:
> I run into some major disk corruptions on my IDE disk with the new
> 2.4.3 kernel version. [ . . . ] Now I did some more testing and found
> out that the Alan Cox series of kernel patches does not show these
> problems.
Hmm, 2.4.2-ac28 and 2.4.3 have the same collection of VIA fixups in
arch/i386/kernel/pci-pc.c. Something else must be causing this?
> I was using the same .config file for all tests to make sure that the
> problem was not caused by a kernel configuration issue.
Did you run the .config through a 'make oldconfig' on each kernel, to
catch CONFIG name changes and so forth?
> This is my hardware:
> - ABit KT7 board (KT133 chipset reported by lspci)
Does the BIOS have a setting that sounds like "System performance
setting" with choices such as "Optimal" or "Normal"? If so, try both
settings. The terminology above is what is used on the ASUS A7V.
>Here is the output of lspci:
What would be quite useful, I think, is the output of 'lspci -xxx -s
0:0' under both the non-corrupting kernel (2.4.2-ac28) and the
corrupting kernel (2.4.3). The output of 'dmesg' under both kernels
would also be good.
I find that a good way to present information like that, where most of
it should be the same and one is looking for the differences, is via
'diff -u --unified=1000 a b'.
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