
Please find attached a patch to fix the following problems with the
Scitel Quadro ISDN card in 2.4 kernels which suddenly arised when I
a K7T Pro motherboard.

kernel: HiSax: Scitel port 0xcc00-0xcd00 already in use
kernel: HiSax: Card Scitel Quadro not installed !

Credits go to Roland Klabunde who told me early december:

The Scitel [...] resource requirements are as follows:

- 1 shared interrupt for all controllers
- 1 shared port address for all controllers with a range of 128 bytes
- 1 port address for each controller with a range of 64 bytes


I've currently downloaded the ISDN stuff [...] As mentioned above, the
span is *128* for pci_ioaddr1 and *64* for pci_ioaddr2 to pci_ioaddr5
[...]. What I see from the source is, that one attempts to claim a
range of 256 bytes for pci_ioaddr1 to _5. That may cause the problems
if the range overlaps with other boards. You may try to change the
following calls in bkm_a8.c:

sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 256) to sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 128)
sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr2, 256) to sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 64)
sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr3, 256) to sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 64)
sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr4, 256) to sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 64)
sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr5, 256) to sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 64)

Please note the necessary changes in release_io_sct_quadro.

Too bad I went on a holiday that time and forgot all about it, untill
today (shame shame shame). Anyway, this patch to 2.4.2
drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a8.c fixes the problem and everything runs
fine again.

Ime Smits
--- linux-2.4.2-dist/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a8.c        Wed Nov 29 19:12:29 2000
+++ linux-2.4.2/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a8.c     Fri Mar 30 13:32:21 2001
@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@
 release_io_sct_quadro(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
-       release_region(cs->hw.ax.base & 0xffffffc0, 256);
+       release_region(cs->hw.ax.base & 0xffffffc0, 128);
        if (cs->subtyp == SCT_1)
-               release_region(cs->hw.ax.plx_adr, 256);
+               release_region(cs->hw.ax.plx_adr, 64);
 static void
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@
        switch(cs->subtyp) {
                case 1:
                        cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr5 + 0x00;
-                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 256))
+                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 128))
-                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr5, 256))
+                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr5, 64))
                        /* disable all IPAC */
                        writereg(pci_ioaddr5, pci_ioaddr5 + 4,
@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@
                case 2:
                        cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr4 + 0x08;
-                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr4, 256))
+                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr4, 64))
                case 3:
                        cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr3 + 0x10;
-                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr3, 256))
+                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr3, 64))
                case 4:
                        cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr2 + 0x20;
-                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr2, 256))
+                       if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr2, 64))

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