John Jasen wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> >snipped<
>more snippage<
> In short, your security administrator needs to be dragged out, shot, and
> left hanging by the front door as a warning to his replacement.
> Or, at least fired.
That, or have all the Unix using/loving people at Analogic turn in their
resignations. When IS takes on too much of a Gestapo air about them, the only
thing to do is leave them to do not only all the administration, but all the
development as well. It's usually about then that CEOs actually pay attention
to how much distress IS is causing the rest of the company and give them a
swift kick in the ass to straighten things out (assuming you have a CEO worth
a damn, that assumption could be totally wrong).
Doug Ledford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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