-----Original Message----- From: ext Anton Vorontsov [mailto:anton.voront...@linaro.org] Sent: 08 January, 2013 08:30 ... > > +static const uint vmpressure_level_med = 60; > > +static const uint vmpressure_level_oom = 99; > > +static const uint vmpressure_level_oom_prio = 4; > > + .. Seems vmpressure_level_oom = 99 is quite high if I understand it as a global. If I do not wrong in old version of kernel the kernel only memory border was stated as 1/32 part of available memory meaning no allocation for user-space if amount of free memory reached 1/32. So, decreasing this parameter to 95 or 90 will allow notification to be propagated to user-space and handled.
Best wishes, Leonid