In message <Pine.GSO.3.96.1010328144551.7198A-100000@laertes>, Walter
Hofmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Jesse Pollard wrote:
>> >Any idea?
>> Sure - very simple. If the execute bit is set on a file, don't allow
>> ANY write to the file. This does modify the permission bits slightly
>> but I don't think it is an unreasonable thing to have.
>And how exactly does this help?
>fchmod (fd, 0666);
>fwrite (fd, ...);
>fchmod (fd, 0777);
I think their point was that a program could only change permissions
of a file that was owned by the same owner. If a file is owned by a
different user & has no write permissions for any user, the program
can't modify the file or it's permissions.
Sounds like a good plan to me.
Simon Williams
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