
I try to develop driver that has to catch all incomming traffic and proceed

I use register_firewall() function that registers three functions:
in_check, out_check, forward_check.
There is call to register_firewall in my driver's init_module().
So, in in_check() I receive packet and give it to my processing function
Parse() that makes decision
regarding to the packet:
- to let it in and calls to ip_rcv(skb, skb->dev, NULL);
- to block it.

Always in_check returns FW_BLOCK.

The problem is when I call to ip_rcv() my computer is hanged up. All I see
is printing log after
function Parse().

Below is cut of my source.

int Parse(struct sk_buff * skb)
     [ packet analyze ]

     if ( packet may enter ) return ip_rcv(skb, skb->dev, NULL);

          return BLOCKED;

int in_check(struct firewall_ops *this, int pf, struct device *dev,
               void *phdr, void *arg, struct sk_buff **pskb)
     int res;


     res = Parse(*pskb);
     if(res == BLOCKED)
     [ something ]

     return FW_BLOCK;

What ip_rcv() has to return? Do I do everything right? Is there maybe
common way to perform such a trik?

Thanks a lot.


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