The current kernel ( 2.4.2-ac26 or 2.4.3-pre8 ) has
arch/i386/kernel/apm.c version 1.14 while version 1.15
is available as a patch to 2.3.99-pre7-1 ( read :
it was available for ages ) at
The newer version has among other things support for
the APM_IOC_REJECT ioctl which is useful for example
when implementing "run /sbin/shutdown -h when the power
button is pressed".
While isn't this merged into the official kernel ?
Is apm.c v1.15 the latest ?
The last modification of the page
was in may 2000 and in 2.4.2-ac25 the web address for the APM driver
was changed to , but that page
doesn't have much/any content about the APM driver.
On a related note :
Both Abit BH6 and MSI K7T Pro2A send a SYSTEM_SUSPEND APM event
( APM_SYS_SUSPEND ) when I press the power button. When the OS
acknowledges the event, the system doesn't go to suspend , as
the OS expects , but to power-off , killing all running processes
and causing an unclean umount , among other things.
Is this the APM standard behavior or do I have two weird motherboards ?
P.S.: Looking for an archive of the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mail list.
David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill & Ted
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