I'm experiencing the same thing with an ASUS P5A-B running a K6-2/266 with
Linux 2.2.17, and Windows 98. Central problem appears to be the KVM
switch I'm using. Save yourself the problem.
I had to reboot all the systems to get regular mouse operation back with
the Logitech.
At 04:33 PM 3/25/01 -0600, you wrote:
>I am experiencing debilitating intermittent mouse problems & was about
>to dive into the kernel to see if I could debug it. But first, I thought
>a quick note to the mailing list may help.
>After a long time of flawless operation (ranging from nearly a week to
>as little as five minutes), the X11 pointer flies up to top-right corner,
>and mostly wants to stay there. Moving the mouse causes a cascade of
>spurious button-press events get generated.
>This did not occur with 2.4.0test2 or 2.2.16 (to the best of my
>recollection) and first showed up in 2.4.0test7 or 2.4.1 (not sure).
>With 2.4.2, the symptoms seem slightly different (almost all pointer
>movement events seem to be lost; although spurious button-press events
>still happen).
>Mouse is a logitech trackman marble, with USB connector to
>logitech-supplied USB to ps/2 DIN plug. Configured as a PS/2 mouse.
>Motherboard is a Athalon/VIA Apollo KA7.
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