Jacob Luna Lundberg wrote:
> Oh Great Gurus:
> I have an agp video card that seems quite picky about interrupts, and a
> bios that is insisting on sharing the video card's interrupt with whatever
> is in the first pci slot.  So my question is, is there any way for the

Your problem is most likely _not_ an IRQ issue, but a bus mastering
issue.  Your AGP and PCI most likely share the same busmastering line. 
The IRQ should not be an issue.

Jeffrey H. Ingber (jhingber _at_ ix.netcom.com)

"Windows 95 is a 32-bit shell for a 16-bit extension to an 
8-bit  operating system designed for a 4-bit microprocessor
 by a 2-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition."
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