On Thu, 2012-11-29 at 10:37 -0500, chas williams - CONTRACTOR wrote:
> you shouldnt clear ATM_VF_ADDR until the vpi/vci is actually closed and
> ready for reuse.  at this point, it isnt.

So I should always wait for the completion of my PKT_CLOSE and only
clear ATM_VF_ADDR when it's actually done?

But can you define 'ready for reuse'? From the moment I clear
ATM_VF_ADDR, another CPU may enter my popen() function to set up another
VCC with the same parameters, and everything should work fine. The
PKT_POPEN will end up on the queue *after* my PKT_PCLOSE for the old
VCC. Any received packets will be dropped until the new VCC gets
ATM_VF_READY set (by the popen function).

What's the actual failure mode, caused by me clearing ATM_VF_ADDR "too

>  ATM_VF_READY should already be clear at this point but you should set
> it before you queue your PKT_CLOSE. 

I should *set* it? Do you mean clear it? Yes, I see it's cleared by
vcc_destroy_socket()... but all the other ATM drivers also seem to clear
it for themselves, and that would appear to be harmless.

> checking for ATM_VF_READY in find_vcc() is probably going to give you
> grief as well since ATM_VF_READY isnt entirely under your control. 

That's fine. If *anyone* has cleared ATM_VF_READY, I stop sending
packets up it. Or, more to the point, I stop using the damn thing at
all. See commit 1f6ea6e511e5ec730d8e88651da1b7b6e8fd1333.

>  you need to be able to find the vcc until after pclose() is finished since
> your tasklet might have a few packets it is still processing?

The whole point of that check is that the tasklet *won't* be able to
find it any more, and it'll just discard incoming packets for the
obsolescent VCC.


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