
If you are doing development work (or playing with new kernels) and things
like USB failures lock you from keyboard and mouse...

Have you considered telnet into your box from a second machine?  Even a 486
system would do this fine... network cards are cheap.  You could try to
recover the system or at least do a shutdown.

Maybe there are reason you have ruled this out; just making sure you haven't
overlooked a possible prevention solution.

  Stephen Gutknecht
  Renton, Washington

-----Original Message-----
From: Otto Wyss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 11:47 AM
Subject: Linux should better cope with power failure

Lately I had an USB failure, leaving me without any access to my system
since I only use an USB-keyboard/-mouse. All I could do in that
situation was switching power off and on after a few minutes of
inactivity. From the impression I got during the following startup, I
assume Linux (2.4.2, EXT2-filesystem) is not very suited to any power
failiure or manually switching it off. Not even if there wasn't any
activity going on. 
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