On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, John Heil wrote:

> I've acquired a UDMA66 capable IDE card with a CMD-648 chip,
> which is supposed to provide me with ide2 and ide3.
> ide2 is empty and ide3 has a writeable cdrom and an IDE zip
> drive on it.
> However, it indicates that since it...
> 'Can't find a UDMA66 capable device'
> it is  'Disabling the UDMA66 bios'.

Ok, the devices you mentioned above are not UDMA66 capable,
so the controller dropped to UDMA33 capabilities.
Nothing wrong there.

> I'll be upgrading this machine to 2.4.n-whatever in about 3 wks but...
> ...I'd like to get the 2 devices operational on this or
> some other 2.2.x, before that, if I can.

cmd648 seems to be supported in in 2.4. (drivers/ide/cmd64x.c)
This hasn't been backported to 2.2.x. So either backport it, or
upgrade to 2.4

> I am hoping to circumvent the bios. I assume it will involve some
> measure of IDE initialization  which  I don't mind coding if
> it does not exist yet.

Well the hard part has already been done for you :)



| Dave Jones.        http://www.suse.de/~davej
| SuSE Labs

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