Hi Fengguang,

I run tests and attached the results. The line below I guess shows the data-1 
page caches.

0x000000080000006c       6584051    25718  
__RU_lA___________________P________    referenced,uptodate,lru,active,private

From: Jaegeuk Hanse <jaegeuk.ha...@gmail.com>
To: Fengguang Wu <fengguang...@intel.com> 
Cc: metin d <met...@yahoo.com>; Jan Kara <j...@suse.cz>; 
"linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org" <linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org>; 
"linux...@kvack.org" <linux...@kvack.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: Problem in Page Cache Replacement

On 11/21/2012 05:02 PM, Fengguang Wu wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 04:34:40PM +0800, Jaegeuk Hanse wrote:
>> Cc Fengguang Wu.
>> On 11/21/2012 04:13 PM, metin d wrote:
>>>>    Curious. Added linux-mm list to CC to catch more attention. If you run
>>>> echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches does it evict data-1 pages from memory?
>>> I'm guessing it'd evict the entries, but am wondering if we could run any 
>>> more diagnostics before trying this.
>>> We regularly use a setup where we have two databases; one gets used 
>>> frequently and the other one about once a month. It seems like the memory 
>>> manager keeps unused pages in memory at the expense of frequently used 
>>> database's performance.
>>> My understanding was that under memory pressure from heavily
>>> accessed pages, unused pages would eventually get evicted. Is there
>>> anything else we can try on this host to understand why this is
>>> happening?
> We may debug it this way.
> 1) run 'fadvise data-2 0 0 dontneed' to drop data-2 cached pages
>     (please double check via /proc/vmstat whether it does the expected work)
> 2) run 'page-types -r' with root, to view the page status for the
>     remaining pages of data-1
> The fadvise tool comes from Andrew Morton's ext3-tools. (source code attached)
> Please compile them with options "-Dlinux -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE 
> page-types can be found in the kernel source tree tools/vm/page-types.c
> Sorry that sounds a bit twisted.. I do have a patch to directly dump
> page cache status of a user specified file, however it's not
> upstreamed yet.

Hi Fengguang,

Thanks for you detail steps, I think metin can have a try.

         flags    page-count       MB  symbolic-flags long-symbolic-flags
0x0000000000000000        607699     2373 
0x0000000100000000        343227     1340 
_______________________r___________    reserved

But I have some questions of the print of page-type:

Is 2373MB here mean total memory in used include page cache? I don't 
think so.
Which kind of pages will be marked reserved?
Which line of long-symbolic-flags is for page cache?


> Thanks,
> Fengguang
>>> On Tue 20-11-12 09:42:42, metin d wrote:
>>>> I have two PostgreSQL databases named data-1 and data-2 that sit on the
>>>> same machine. Both databases keep 40 GB of data, and the total memory
>>>> available on the machine is 68GB.
>>>> I started data-1 and data-2, and ran several queries to go over all their
>>>> data. Then, I shut down data-1 and kept issuing queries against data-2.
>>>> For some reason, the OS still holds on to large parts of data-1's pages
>>>> in its page cache, and reserves about 35 GB of RAM to data-2's files. As
>>>> a result, my queries on data-2 keep hitting disk.
>>>> I'm checking page cache usage with fincore. When I run a table scan query
>>>> against data-2, I see that data-2's pages get evicted and put back into
>>>> the cache in a round-robin manner. Nothing happens to data-1's pages,
>>>> although they haven't been touched for days.
>>>> Does anybody know why data-1's pages aren't evicted from the page cache?
>>>> I'm open to all kind of suggestions you think it might relate to problem.
>>>    Curious. Added linux-mm list to CC to catch more attention. If you run
>>> echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
>>>    does it evict data-1 pages from memory?
>>>> This is an EC2 m2.4xlarge instance on Amazon with 68 GB of RAM and no
>>>> swap space. The kernel version is:
>>>> $ uname -r
>>>> 3.2.28-45.62.amzn1.x86_64
>>>> Edit:
>>>> and it seems that I use one NUMA instance, if  you think that it can a 
>>>> problem.
>>>> $ numactl --hardware
>>>> available: 1 nodes (0)
>>>> node 0 cpus: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
>>>> node 0 size: 70007 MB
>>>> node 0 free: 360 MB
>>>> node distances:
>>>> node   0
>>>>     0:  10
             flags      page-count       MB  symbolic-flags                     
0x0000000000000000         5508317    21516  
0x0000000100000000          335993     1312  
_______________________r___________        reserved
0x0000002100000000           35634      139  
_______________________r____O______        reserved,owner_private
0x0000000000010000           45069      176  
________________T__________________        compound_tail
0x0000002000000000            1516        5  
____________________________O______        owner_private
0x0000000800000004               1        0  
__R_______________________P________        referenced,private
0x0000000000008000              10        0  
_______________H___________________        compound_head
0x0000000000000004               1        0  
__R________________________________        referenced
0x0000000800000024             166        0  
__R__l____________________P________        referenced,lru,private
0x0000000400000028             295        1  
___U_l___________________d_________        uptodate,lru,mappedtodisk
0x0001000400000028               3        0  
___U_l___________________d_____I___        uptodate,lru,mappedtodisk,readahead
0x0000000000000028               1        0  
___U_l_____________________________        uptodate,lru
0x000000040000002c          262144     1024  
__RU_l___________________d_________        referenced,uptodate,lru,mappedtodisk
0x000000080000002c               5        0  
__RU_l____________________P________        referenced,uptodate,lru,private
0x000000000000403c             185        0  
0x0000000800000060             163        0  
_____lA___________________P________        lru,active,private
0x0000000800000064           36739      143  
__R__lA___________________P________        referenced,lru,active,private
0x0000000400000068          527810     2061  
___U_lA__________________d_________        uptodate,lru,active,mappedtodisk
0x0000000800000068             576        2  
___U_lA___________________P________        uptodate,lru,active,private
0x0000000c00000068             116        0  
0x000000080000006c         6584051    25718  
0x000000040000006c         1302211     5086  
0x0000000c0000006c             431        1  
0x000000000000006c             128        0  
__RU_lA____________________________        referenced,uptodate,lru,active
0x0000000800000074               2        0  
__R_DlA___________________P________        referenced,dirty,lru,active,private
0x0000000000004078              56        0  
___UDlA_______b____________________        uptodate,dirty,lru,active,swapbacked
0x000000000000407c             122        0  
0x000000080000007c               1        0  
0x0000000000008080           14495       56  
_______S_______H___________________        slab,compound_head
0x0000000000000080          250498      978  
_______S___________________________        slab
0x0000000000000400         2990908    11683  
__________B________________________        buddy
0x0000000000000800              16        0  
___________M_______________________        mmap
0x0000000100000804               1        0  
__R________M___________r___________        referenced,mmap,reserved
0x000000060004082c             391        1  
0x0000000a0004082c             321        1  
0x0000000000004838            8450       33  
___UDl_____M__b____________________        uptodate,dirty,lru,mmap,swapbacked
0x000000000000483c            2045        7  
0x0000000800000868              19        0  
___U_lA____M______________P________        uptodate,lru,active,mmap,private
0x0000000400000868               5        0  
___U_lA____M_____________d_________        uptodate,lru,active,mmap,mappedtodisk
0x000000040000086c            1891        7  
0x000000080000086c             126        0  
0x0000000000004878              85        0  
0x000000000000487c            2263        8  
0x0000000000005008              13        0  
___U________a_b____________________        uptodate,anonymous,swapbacked
0x0000000000005808              16        0  
___U_______Ma_b____________________        uptodate,mmap,anonymous,swapbacked
0x0000000200045828               8        0  
0x000000020004582c             651        2  
0x0000000000005868            8058       31  
0x000000000000586c              42        0  
             total        17922048    70008

             flags      page-count       MB  symbolic-flags                     
0x0000000000000000          121628      475  
0x0000000100000000          335993     1312  
_______________________r___________        reserved
0x0000002100000000           35634      139  
_______________________r____O______        reserved,owner_private
0x0000000000010000           45429      177  
________________T__________________        compound_tail
0x0000002000000000            1389        5  
____________________________O______        owner_private
0x0000000400000001               6        0  
L________________________d_________        locked,mappedtodisk
0x0000000000008000              10        0  
_______________H___________________        compound_head
0x0000000000000004               1        0  
__R________________________________        referenced
0x0000000400000021              64        0  
L____l___________________d_________        locked,lru,mappedtodisk
0x0001000400000021               1        0  
L____l___________________d_____I___        locked,lru,mappedtodisk,readahead
0x0000000800000024             171        0  
__R__l____________________P________        referenced,lru,private
0x0000000400000028            4093       15  
___U_l___________________d_________        uptodate,lru,mappedtodisk
0x0001000400000028              59        0  
___U_l___________________d_____I___        uptodate,lru,mappedtodisk,readahead
0x0000000000000028               1        0  
___U_l_____________________________        uptodate,lru
0x000000040000002c         8598032    33586  
__RU_l___________________d_________        referenced,uptodate,lru,mappedtodisk
0x000000080000002c              10        0  
__RU_l____________________P________        referenced,uptodate,lru,private
0x000000000000403c             185        0  
0x0000000800000060             163        0  
_____lA___________________P________        lru,active,private
0x0000000800000064           36741      143  
__R__lA___________________P________        referenced,lru,active,private
0x0000000400000068          527834     2061  
___U_lA__________________d_________        uptodate,lru,active,mappedtodisk
0x0000000800000068             695        2  
___U_lA___________________P________        uptodate,lru,active,private
0x0000000c00000068             116        0  
0x000000080000006c         6584066    25719  
0x000000040000006c         1325273     5176  
0x0000000c0000006c             431        1  
0x000000000000006c             128        0  
__RU_lA____________________________        referenced,uptodate,lru,active
0x0000000000004078              56        0  
___UDlA_______b____________________        uptodate,dirty,lru,active,swapbacked
0x000000000000407c             122        0  
0x000000080000007c               1        0  
0x0000000000008080           14571       56  
_______S_______H___________________        slab,compound_head
0x0000000000000080          250546      978  
_______S___________________________        slab
0x0000000000000400           14701       57  
__________B________________________        buddy
0x0000000000000800              16        0  
___________M_______________________        mmap
0x0000000100000804               1        0  
__R________M___________r___________        referenced,mmap,reserved
0x000000060004082c             391        1  
0x0000000a0004082c             321        1  
0x0000000000004838            8385       32  
___UDl_____M__b____________________        uptodate,dirty,lru,mmap,swapbacked
0x000000000000483c            2045        7  
0x0000000800000868              19        0  
___U_lA____M______________P________        uptodate,lru,active,mmap,private
0x0000000400000868               5        0  
___U_lA____M_____________d_________        uptodate,lru,active,mmap,mappedtodisk
0x000000040000086c            1891        7  
0x000000080000086c             126        0  
0x0000000000004878              85        0  
0x000000000000487c            2263        8  
0x0000000000005008               4        0  
___U________a_b____________________        uptodate,anonymous,swapbacked
0x0000000000005808              25        0  
___U_______Ma_b____________________        uptodate,mmap,anonymous,swapbacked
0x0000000200045828               8        0  
0x000000020004582c             651        2  
0x0000000000005868            7623       29  
0x000000000000586c              39        0  
             total        17922048    70008

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