Alexy wrote:
>> Damn, we did not test behaviour on absolutely new
>> clean never connected socket... Solaris really may
>> return 0 on it.
>> However, looking from other hand the issue looks as
>> absolutely academic and not related to practice in
>> any way.

  I'm not sure this issue is really that academic.  In
fact, it's one of those nitty-gritty, annoying details
that academics tend to ignore :).  Anyway, I'm looking
at this from a very pragmatic standpoint.  I'd like to
minimize the complexity and the number of special
cases when trying to support an application on several
different platforms.  If other popular Unix OS's
behave this way I definely understand the reasoning,
but it seems that at least Solaris 7 does not... 
Sure, workarounds exist, but they just complicates


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