
:: It seems that the APIC on this motherboard does not have most of the
:: pins connected, so that even if we could get the USB interrupt to work
:: properly (which we couldn't) there would be no benefit to run in APIC
:: mode.  I was going to run some crude benchmarks on the box with and
:: without APIC mode just to get an sense if we are missing anything
:: running in noapic mode, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

So for Tyan Tigers, is it better to compile the kernel without APIC? About
to install Linux on a dual 500 P3 here.

:: But, Linux does seem to run just fine with USB and SMP in the noapic
:: mode, which is a lot better than Win2000 can say, as it doesn't even
:: support the VIA USB chipset on this board at all :)

There's a Win2K patch for VIA chip sets now... I've got USB working under
Win2K here.

-- Juha

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