On Mon, 05 Nov 2012 21:23:41 +0100, Martin <maro...@onlinehome.de> wrote:
On 11/04/2012 09:00 PM, Uwaysi Bin Kareem wrote:
Nobody knows? This is really obscure for an EDF patch. Making things a
bit more accessible should be a priority. I think a lot of enthusiasts
would like to have smooth control over stuff, without windows-jitter. If
you can do a robot arm, jitter-free with this, then I am very
uwaysi@Millennium:~/Kildekode/sched_deadline-schedtool-dl$ ./schedtool
-t 500:1000 3718
ERROR: could not set PID 3718 to E: SCHED_DEADLINE - Function not
On Sun, 04 Nov 2012 20:02:25 +0100, Uwaysi Bin Kareem
<uwaysi.bin.kar...@paradoxuncreated.com> wrote:
How does the modified schedtool work? There is no updated
If anyone could give an example of a 1000uS period / 500uS time, with
schedtool, or any other relevant information.
Most examples online use parameters that are no longer supported.
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I assume the reason nobody answers is that the cpu scheduler is an
emotional subject.
However, if you really want a smooth desktop and a deadline scheduler
(albeit it might not be as configurable as you seem to want it to be),
try BFS or the whole CK patch.
I have implemented it on a laptop this weekend, and I was surprised by
the change in user experience yet again. Mostly during 3D game play.
Generally the difference is felt more strongly on low end machines and
taxing workloads.
Since you are talking about robot arms: note that BFS is not a real time
solution, but is designed around the physiological conditions of the
human perception system (where, I believe, 6 ms is equivalent to real
time). Maybe a similar deadline approach is useful for robot arms, no
cu Martin
If you ever saw a robot-arm jitter, you`d think of it as faulty. And that
is how people should think of their PC aswell.
Just the interrupts, preemption (points), daemons, hopefully cleverly
arranged, to reduce jitter, is what I want.
I did already try BFS. PS: 90hz timer, is very good with BFS also, but the
jitter-extremes are higher. Meaning large jitters last longer, while small
jitters, seems smaller. For overall computing CFS actually has less jitter.
What would be really interesting would be to try a scheduler that tries to
bound latencies, and have accurate timing.
There seems to be generally 3 different profiles people tuned for: Server,
Mobile, Desktop.
Server guiless stationary, Mobile for minimal power desktop, Desktop, for
workstation/home low-jitter high-performance.
Maybe these profiles even can be combined a bit, having several hz
counters, and several scheduling policies.
Peace Be With You.
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