On Sun, 04 Nov 2012 18:03:58 +0100, Lukasz Sokol <el.es...@gmail.com> wrote:

A word of addition,

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Uwaysi Bin Kareem
<uwaysi.bin.kar...@paradoxuncreated.com> wrote:

Also like I stated elsewhere, since daemons seem to make a difference,
optimally putting daemons or processes that can, on a low-jitter queue,
transparent to the user, seems optimal. Unfortunately realtime is not quite
working as one would expect, causing input to be choked at times, if you
want to have one main app, and the rest on sched_other, as a low-jitter
queue. So I am still iterating this.

Hard real time kernel, will make the situation even worse: there the userspace
will get preempted always and no matter what it is doing; RT means here,
the userspace will /get/ the slice, but whether the slice will be enough, no one
can guarantee but whoever wrote the userspace.
It's the userspace that must decide 'do I have enough time to run
another rendering loop within
this time slice (or before vsync is imminent)'.

(As in: real time is not 'as fast as possible' but 'as fast as
specified' and the specification
need to be within reason).

Peace Be With You.


I meant realtime-thread here, not added preemption points, for realtime-behaviour. But I understand your point. So "low-jitter" is ofcourse the sweetspot, where you have just enough interrupts and preemption points, for exactly that, but not too much.

Peace Be With You.

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