Umm.. all the printk's are inclosed with the ifdef, courtsey of a little
bit of #define magic. I use it all the time (after all, I'm the
maintainer), and when I want it to shut up, it shuts up.
Are you sure you recompiled and installed properly? Re-ran 'make dep'?
I've had reports of this before -- every one of them was solved by a proper
On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 04:55:02PM +0100, J . A . Magallon wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recently started to use an USB cd toaster and have a little problem.
> Writer is driven by usb-storage and scsi-cdrom and scsi-generic drivers.
> Burning works fine.
> The problem is that the usb-storage module spits so many info-debug
> messages (even if I configured no debug in kernel config) that after
> a cd burn I end up with a 25 MB file in /var/log/messages and other 25MB
> in /var/log/kernel/info, so it fills my / partition.
> If someone know a fast way to shut up usb-storage, I'll be gratefull.
> If not, I will try to make a patch to enclose all that printk's into
> --
> J.A. Magallon $> cd pub
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] $> more beer
> Linux werewolf 2.4.2-ac11 #1 SMP Sat Mar 3 22:18:57 CET 2001 i686
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Matthew Dharm Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maintainer, Linux USB Mass Storage Driver
We've made a business out of making money from annoying and stupid people.
I think you fall under that category.
-- Chief
User Friendly, 7/11/1998
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