[cc trimmed]
On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, Alan Cox wrote:
> > Long ago, pre* and ac* patches were rare. Patches went from one
> Umm wrong. -ac patches for 2.2 regularly did one a day
> > line-by-line before the next one came out. Patches always applied
> > easily with the (pre-POSIX?) patch command. Version numbers made
> patch is Larry Wall
> > Pre-patches go like this:
> >
> > 200 kB (great: read the patch)
> > 200 kB + 200 kB of old stuff you already read (ugh, read 1/2 of it)
> > 200 kB + 400 kB of old stuff you already read (too boring)
> Of course people with at least one functioning braincell read the differences
> between the two patches, or pick up the patch between the two (handily
> maintained on www.bzimage.org for the Linux 2.4ac series)
... or do something along the lines
cp -rl S2 S2-ac10
bzip2 -d <patch-2.4.2-ac10.bz2 | (cd S2-ac10 && patch -p1 -E)
diff -urN S2-ac{9,10} | tee delta-9-10 | less
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