>> kbd-1.05 comes with sun12x22.psfu, which essentially is the kernel font
>> together with a unimap.

> Note, that I also have a SuSE12x22 font, which is based on the Sun font,
> some charcaters slightly changed and added lots of 8859-1 symbols.
> Isn't it included in kbd-1.04 and later, Andries?

It may be that that is the one called sun12x22.psfu in kbd-1.05.
I think I first took your first version and later replaced it
with your latest version. Perhaps I did some work on it myself
as well, but maybe that was first for kbd-1.06. There was also
a Polish contribution for kbd-1.06, so the 1.06 version will have
a few more symbols, I think.


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