On Wed, 3 Oct 2012, Daniel Santos wrote:

> I have it checked out from git://git.cmpxchg.org/linux-mmotm.git, the
> problem is that I cannot correctly test against that right now because I
> get an oops (without my patches) when setting up LVM (same on -next, bug
> report here https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48241).  What
> I'm thinking about doing is to rebase them against v3.6 again and test
> them there, but it will require a few minor changes (due to walken's
> patches not being present).  Still, it's better than no re-testing.
> Daniel

I would cherry-pick the changes you already have for this patchset in -mm 
into Linus' latest tree, then base your new patchset on top of that 
modified tree.
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