hello and thank you for your answers.
"Albert D. Cahalan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> i have processes that have to be really over 1gb (database engines) but
>> unfortnately, when one reaches over 900mb kswapd starts eating 50+% of 1
>> cpu and the whole thing gets slower.
>You didn't provide output from "ps" or "top". You can not be helped.
>Maybe output from "vmstat" or "sar" would be good too.
oh - sorry for that. here's the normal state of things (well almost, the
processes are in the R state most of the time). however as i wrote before,
when those processes get over ~900mb, kswapd starts paging with ~50+% cpu
usage. i lived under the impression memory shown in SHARE column is
'shared' so the processes summed up could actually be bigger than
physical memory (like 6x 1.5gb SIZE, 1.49gb RSS, 1.49gb SHARE for a 4gb
machine). am i living in the dark?
16578 user 14 0 705M 704M 704M D 88.9 18.6 323:57 engine
16574 user 13 0 705M 705M 704M D 87.1 18.7 388:35 engine
16568 user 12 0 705M 705M 705M D 85.8 18.7 439:38 engine
16576 user 14 0 705M 705M 705M R 83.3 18.7 364:51 engine
16575 user 16 0 704M 704M 704M R 82.4 18.6 362:39 engine
16577 user 12 0 705M 705M 705M R 78.0 18.7 332:01 engine
3 root 9 0 0 0 0 SW 11.9 0.0 133:37 kswapd
also, ipcs claims there's 812593152 bytes (yes, that's 774mb, when i
configure the engines to eat more memory ipcs shows for example 1+gb of
shared memory allocated). how can this be possible? overcommit_memory is
set to 0.
thank you for your help in advance,
Michal Vitecek
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