On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 04:07:55PM +0530, Srinivas Surabhi wrote:
> In application program ,code for call to write system call is given
> below...
> #include<fcntl.h>
> main()
> {
> int count,fd;
> fd=open("/dev/pseudo",O_RDWR);
> write(fd,buff,5);
> }
> In driver module code for getting the buffer and count
> #include<all related header files...>
> int psuedo_write(struct inode*in,struct file*fp,char *buf,int count)
This should read:
static ssize_t pseudo_write(struct file* file,
const char *buf,
size_t count,
loff_t* ppos);
> {
> kprintf("<1>pseudo_write routine called \n");
> kprintf("<1>count=%d \n",count);
> kprintf("<1>buffer=%s \n",buff);
> return 0;
> }
> /******so here after inserting the module into the kernel using insmod
> pseudo.o and executing the application cc -c pseudo_app.c, the o/p on
> console is *****/
> "pseudo_write routine called"
> "count=9988345352" /*garbage*/
> "buffer=@#%h" . /*garbage*/
> /*** but neither the buffer is carried from user space to kernel space nor
> the count, why?***/Please help me
> out.
Not strange at all, you're using the wrong parameters so you get what
you asked for: garbage in, garbage out.
You get the source for all other drivers for free. Use it.
J.A.K. (Erik) Mouw, Information and Communication Theory Group, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems,
Delft University of Technology, PO BOX 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
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