Also sprach Andre Hedrick:
} On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Pozsar Balazs wrote:
} > from drivers/ide/ide-features.c:
} > 
} > /*
} >  *  All hosts that use the 80c ribbon mus use!
} >  */
} > byte eighty_ninty_three (ide_drive_t *drive)
} > {
} >         return ((byte) ((HWIF(drive)->udma_four) &&
} >                         (drive->id->hw_config & 0x4000) &&
} > #endif /* CONFIG_IDEDMA_IVB */
} >                         (drive->id->hw_config & 0x6000)) ? 1 : 0);
} > }
} > 
} > If i see well, then this is always same whether CONFIG_IDEDMA_IVB is
} > defined or not.
} > What's the clue?

The use of the ternary operator is superfluous, though...and makes the
code look ugly IMNSHO :).

|| Bill Wendling                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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